HA! Suck On That, Asshole!

*The skies are looking clear today... *

Shut up, I don't care about the damn skies.

*There is a chance of rainfall in the evening though, so watch out for that folks...*

Don't tell me what to do, asshole.

*Now, off to Katy with the headlines for today's local morning news...*

Who the fuck is Katy, and why do you think I care? Lemme sleep...

Carmela's eyes popped open and she jerked up in her bed, realizing what was happening.

"No no no! I can't be late again! Shit... Oh, SHUT UP for fucks sake Katy!" She smacked the alarm clock quiet of the news reporters on the radio. Yawning, she grabbed her phone off the nightstand.


No... nonononono! Work started at exactly 8:00 am!

Carmela leaped to her feet, throwing her covers on the floor and sprinting to the bathroom. She took off her clothes halfway down the hallway and ran into the bathroom, climbing into the shower.

Bathing the fastest she had in her life, she tried to calm her panicking mind. It was her first day! How had she slept through her first alarm at 6:00? HOW?!

Carmela felt breathless as she jumped out the tub and quickly wrapped her robe around her body. She fumbled with the blow dryer as she yelled through the open bathroom door.


The cold air blew her hair dry and she ran out of the bathroom crossing the hallway and almost slipping on her pajama pants lying on the wooden floor.

Hmm. What the hell was she supposed to wear. It had to be comfy and athletic 'cause they were probably gonna do some exercises and warm ups with the band. Carmela slipped on a sports bra and stretchy girl boxers. These were her comfiest undergarment shit. Then she quickly pulled on a black Adidas sweatshirt that was cropped at the stomach, and matching black Adidas sweatpants. She brushed her straight bangs to her eyebrows with her fingers and tied her long blonde hair into a high pony tail, without a mirror. There was no time for mirrors.

She grabbed a white gym bag and stuffed her grey shoes and an extra tank top inside, glancing around the room for anything else. Her phone! She stuffed that in the pocket of her sweatpants. Her heart was thudding so fast.

This was it.

Her first day of work.

Smiling to herself, she checked the time.



She turned to leave but caught her bare face in the circular mirror above her small dresser.


Couldn't hurt.

She walked over quickly and picked up the red lip tint, brushing it over her full lips. She didn't care about how she looked... well not really. Its not like there was anyone she wanted to impress.... Its just to look... presentable. Yeah, presentable. Besides, red looked sexy with her hair. And sexy meant intimidating. Which was the part of her she wanted to show the new band she'd be working with. Not the stupid ass, crazy side everyone had seen at the audition. She shuddered, remembering the embarrassment.

With a final look in the mirror, she ran out the room and slid into the kitchen. There was Aunt Kass behind the counter. As soon as Carmela entered, Aunt Kass threw her arms wide and smiled. There were three stacks of small blue containers on the counter in front of her.

"Good morning! Sorry mija, I forgot to wake you because I was too busy preparing this!"

"It's okay, Aunt Kass. I made it, haha." Carmela grinned as she approached.

Her aunt pointed to each of the stacks with her red-nailed finger.

"Breakfast. You'll have to eat that in the car. Lunch. And dinner!"

"Thanks, Aunt Kass. I love you. You and Jerome eat some too."

She took one box from each pile and shoved them in her gym bag. They quickly hugged before Aunt Kass pushed her towards the door.

"Now go! Jerome is waiting for you in the car! Hurry my love, and best of luck!"

Carmela laughed with excitement and almost ran out the house barefoot. She met Jerome in the driveway and smiled to him as she sat in the front seat. He was a bit surprised at the smile, but remained expressionless and drove them out of the driveway.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The car pulled up to the same building. The entire front of it was glass, exposing the secretaries and janitors working in the lobby.

Carmela climbed out of the car, breathless. Her nervous body hadn't accepted the mini pancake Aunt Kass had packed for her. She rubbed the skin of her bare stomach, attempting to heal the nausea, and she walked straight down the left wing hall, into a wall of elevators. All the directions and instructions were in the document Taehyung had emailed her. (she spent 2 hours trying to figure out the messed up English translation!)

Carmela threw the strings of her white gym bag over one shoulder and pressed the 'up' button on the wall of an elevator.

She still couldn't believe she was legit here... it was crazy. Was this just a dream? Her heart fluttered with excitement as she stood in front of the elevator doors and shut her eyes for a second.

It had been a while since she felt this happy.

The elevator doors slid open and Carmela opened her eyes at the same time she stepped forward into the elevator. But she collided into someone and her forehead knocked painfully into his chin. She groaned in pain, holding her head, and looked up at the person in front of her.

You've got to be joking...

It was that little- well not so little- curly haired asshole!

"Oh, so you're blind now too?" His strong jawed face broke into a smirk as he looked down at her.

Fuck. Now wait a smoking sec... why... since when was this guy so damn hot- NO. UH UH! Don't you dare go there, Carmela.

She quickly tried to think of something to reply but... nothing seemed right. Was she actually speechless right now? What the actual fuck? She ended up rolling her eyes and stepped back, making way for him to pass.

"Hmm, deaf also. Noted." He smirked.

"Hey, I am not-"


Carmela pursed her lips and hissed through her nose. What was wrong with him? Why was he still being an ass? Did he really expect her to like... apologize or something for that date? Ha. HA! In his curly little dreams.

The doors began to slide shut and Taehyung stepped forward, out of the doorway. Carmela glanced at the digital clock on the wall.


Yes! Not late! Almost there. Carmela moved to enter the elevator but Taehyung stepped in her way, blocking the door. Um-

"What the- Taehyung! What are doing? Im gonna be fucking late!" She quietly screamed at him, glaring at his amused face. Thankfully the elevator hallway was empty.

The tall boy's dark eyes were set into a mean satisfied glare and he put his hands in the pockets of his grey sweatpants. He really wasn't budging. Fine then.

"You suck." Carmela gave him a quick sigh and turned around, beginning to leave.

But... she caught him off guard and quickly spun back around, smashing into him and elbowing his abs.

"Hey!!" He whined, holding his abdomen.

She shoved him out of the way and slipped herself into the doors that began widening for her.


He clenched his jaw and fumed with anger as he harshly brushed off his white t-shirt, outside the elevator.

Carmela stuck up both her middle fingers at him and smiled, turning her back on him as the elevator doors slid shut.