This is MY bed, That's YOUR bed!

The soap on Carmela's hands dripped to the floor, as she stood facing Tae, lost for words. What the hell was she gonna do? Even she didn't know why on earth she said they were damn friends! UGH!!

She turned around and rinsed her hands in the sink.

"Carmela? Are you just not gonna answer me?" Tae spoke behind her.

"Look, I don't know why I said that. I was literally in a hospital bed feeling completely messed up so obviously I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying!" She blabbed.

"Right." He said but Carmela could hear a hint of humour behind the word. Oh, go to hell Taehyung.

Her cheeks felt hot again, but she heard him step away and wished this night would just end already and he could go home. Wait, they'd already eaten, so why wasn't he going home yet?

Carmela walked over to the dining table, where Aunt Kass was giggling over something on her phone.

"Who is that?" Carmela asked, wondering why her aunt was laughing like a little school girl.

"Huh? Oh it's nothing, Carmela. Just telling dear Heather about everything."

"Oh. But then why were you laughing?"

"Why can't I laugh?"

"Um, just that tonight wasn't very-- you know what, whatever. So Jules is coming then?"

"Not now, no, no! Tomorrow they'll come, Jules and Heather and that cute little boy."

Carmela rolled her eyes, but her heart did feel a little warm remembering Hosi's smile. And then all the boys' smiles flowed into her thoughts and she felt herself grinning.

"Hm, why are YOU laughing now, mija?" said Aunt Kass.

"Huh? I'm not. Anyway, when is our little guest leaving exactly?"

"Ah, yes! Let me get that sorted out right now! Taehyung? Love..."

Aunt Kass quickly got up from her chair and hurried down the hallway to the bedrooms where Tae had wandered into. What the hell?

They had a small house, with only two little rooms for the both of them, and a room beside the tiny garage for Jerome. Their kitchen was the biggest area in the house, and the living room was stuffy because the T.V. and its table had taken up most of the corner. Carmela didn't mind it though. She didn't really care for money at all. It was like the dirt on her hand. It comes and then it goes. It will always do that. But Aunt Kass was different. The ladies at the police station are much wealthier, and Carmela knew Aunt Kass wanted to be like them. She wanted to be slim and have smooth hair and a perfect smile and a chauffeur like them. That's why she hired Jerome. They knew eachother a few years back during... Carmela's dad's and Fiana's engagement party. So Aunt Kass gave Jerome a place to stay and in return, he pretended to be their driver. Yeah, it's weird. But whatever. Life isn't interesting if nothing's weird.

Carmela rushed over to the hallway, and found Aunt Kass dragging Tae by the arm into a room. Wait... was that Carmela's room? Now, wait smokin sec...

"Hey--" She called, walking into her room.

Tae was looking alarmed and confused on her bed. Aunt Kass turned around and faced Carmela with a wide smile.

"Aunt Kass, what're you doi--"

Suddenly, the little woman swerved sharply around Carmela and ran for the door. Carmela spun around and shouted as her Aunt Kass slammed the door shut. WHAT ON EARTH? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL AUNT KASS? Her crazy aunt had locked them... both in the room.

"HEY AUNT KASS! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Carmela yelled, smacking her palm against the wood.

Tae hurried next to her, doing the same.

"Please! Ms. Kass! I really do NOT want to spend the night here! Why are you forcing me? Ms. Kass!" He shouted tiredly, resting his forehead against the door.

"AUNT KAAAASSSS!!" They both shrieked, whacking the door together.

But Aunt Kass never answered. What was that crazy woman up to? Wait, Tae said she was forcing him to spend the night here... was she seriously trying to get them together right now? Does Aunt Kass literally think about NOTHING, but dating? Fuck this!

Carmela turned her head to the panting boy beside her and felt her heart drop at how close they were. His broad shoulder was almost touching the side of her head. His curly hair was still pressed against the door, but he turned his head, looking down at her with annoyed eyes.

They stared at each other for a moment, before stepping away and groaning loudly.

"Ughhh, what're we gonna do?!" Carmela angrily squealed, pacing in circles. Tae raked his hands through his hair, and sat down on the bed.

"Hell, I don't know. Is your aunt... always like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like... when you bring a guy home, does she lock you in a room with him?"

"No! Well, I've never... actually brought a guy home."

"Oh. That's, well--I mean, that's cool." He quickly nodded, looking down at his hands. Did he just smile? Pfft.

"What?" She asked, kicking aside some of the clothes on the floor. Pfft, why was she even trying to tidy up? It was literally impossible for her room to be even a little clean.

"Nothing. I was just wondering about the long list of boys that were waiting in line for you. That's all." He grinned evilly at Carmela's flustered expression.

"Th-that doesn't even make sense! Why would I bring all those guys home? They wouldn't even fit in this small shack anyways." She said and Tae giggled with his deep voice that rumbled in her ears. The sound eased her heart and she felt her face relax.

"Whatever, whatever. I'm exhausted, let's sleep." He yawned and fell back on the bed, closing his eyes.

Carmela stomped over to him and flicked his thigh with her fingers. He shot up.

"Ow! Why are you always hurting me? You're seriously abusive, you know! I could get you arrested." He whined.

"I dare you to try. Anyways, this is MY bed. That's YOUR bed."

Carmela pointed to the floor. Tae groaned.

"Hold on, you can't do this to me!"

"Why not? You're just a colleague. I don't care where you sleep, but you're definitely not sleeping in my bed."


How can someone whine so much? It was annoying as hell.


"But I don't wanna sleep on the floor!"

"So what do you wanna do? Sleep together?" Carmela said angrily.

But she felt a nervous fluttering in her stomach and her heart thudded. What did she just say? Is that seriously what she was thinking about right now? Holy hell.

"I-Is that seriously what you're thinking about right now? Ha." He scoffed and nervously forced out a laugh, and quickly sprung off the bed. At least he had gotten embarrassed too.

But what did she expect? Aunt Kass legit locked her up with literally the most good-looking guy she had ever seen. Carmela was surprised at herself for actually admitting that. But he was equally annoying.

"Ahem-- um... honestly though, I think we... maybe..." He said softly.

"WHAT?!" No, no, no, no, no, no.

"What? You don't wanna sleep on the floor, and I don't wanna sleep on the floor! And we're locked in here so what're we gonna do all night? Stay awake?" He stumbled over his words, and Carmela could see a faint pink blush spread onto his face.

"But... I don't wanna sleep in the same bed!" Carmela said, raising her voice. Her heart thud fast inside her chest.

"Why?! It's not like I'm gonna do something!"

"What're you-- are you-- HA! I know that, ha! Why would you even-- what would you even do, HA!" Carmela laughed hysterically, feeling breathless from the embarrassment. This was the weirdest situation of her life.

"Calm down. Its a fat-ass bed Carmela, we'll be on opposite ends!" He said, throwing his arms up as he shouted.

"W-well... fuck this..." Carmela muttered, dragging a hand through her hair.

"I wanna sleep. Can we sleep now?" Tae said softly, moving towards the bed.

"Y-yeah! I mean why are you asking me... go an' sleep..." Carmela scratched the back of her neck and sighed.

So this was really happening, huh? You know what? Whatever! She figured she should grab a hold of herself. Tae had seen her nervous and embarrassed enough times in the past few hours. She hated showing any other emotion to him than anger. It would give away the strange thoughts that crept into her mind by themselves when she really looked at him.

"Okay, well I'm out. Goodnight, dear colleague." Tae said and climbed into the bed. He scooted his long body all the way to the edge and turned on his side. Carmela took deep breaths, and tried to control herself after seeing the curly haired boy lying... ironically on her damn bed.

"Fuck..."Carmela cursed under her breath, as she crept towards the bed and slowly climbed onto it. She reached for the lamp and she felt a little nauseas as the room went dark. Slowly, she lay back against her pillow, scooting all the way to the other edge of the bed. She stared at the ceiling, wondering what the fuck was going on.

She felt angry all of a sudden. But not at Tae. At Aunt Kass. What was the need to invite him over for dinner? Of course Carmela was grateful to him for saving her and shit, and she was even happy when he was there at the hospital. But he was too annoying to take home! And WHY DID THAT CRAZY LADY LOCK THEM IN HER ROOM? WHAT WAS GOING ON RIGHT NOW? Was this some kind of plan? Carmela suddenly remembered Aunt Kass's weird behaviour at dinner, as she stared at the dark ceiling. Was Heather in on this? Did they plan to lock them here? What the hell?

Carmela glanced at the tall muscular boy beside her, and her heart quickened. He was only like two feet away, and she could hear his faint breaths. God, even his breaths sounded deep. Why did she feel so... attracted to him? He was an asshole.... no... he wasn't an asshole.... he was just extremely annoying.... yeah....

"Carmela?" His tired voice softly rang out beside her.


"Wanna know something?"

Ugh, no, kill me now. Why can't you just sleep? I'm tired and I've put up with you all fucking day, just let me think in peace, PLEASE.

"When?" She snapped.


"When?" She stared at the ceiling.

"What the fu--"


"What when?!" He sat up angrily.


"Carmela, WHAT--?"

"WHEN did I aaaask??!"