I Enjoyed It...

"Hey man... yeah, I know, Namjoon... it wasn't exactly my choice to spend the night... her aunt literally locked me up in.... yeah, be right there man... yes, I know that... yup."

Sunlight twitched Carmela's eyes open as she awoke to the sound of Tae's deep voice. Wait... TAE??!!





She turned over to him, yawning. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, tapping away at his phone, his back facing her. Was he talking to Namjoon just now? Oh right, they lived together or something. Carmela suddenly became curious and wanted to know more about this boy, and about all the boys. She sat up and picked her phone up. Today was Wednesday, no work. She felt sort of sad it wasn't practice today, but she thought of making plans with some of the boys instead.

"You're awake?" Tae said, his head turned around to Carmela.

She suddenly felt embarrassed waking up in the same bed as him, and all those things they said last night to each other, and the way he touched her face and the fact that she definitely had some sort of feelings for him... it made her shiver.

"What do you think?" She snapped.

"I was just--"

"My eyes are literally open. You can clearly see me sitting up with my phone in my hands, so what was the need to ask 'Ooooh, aRe yOU AwAke?'" She mumbled, imitating his deep voice. He sighed loudly, and she swung her legs off the bed, facing away from him.

"Hell, Carmela. Whatever, I gotta get to work--" He wearily said.

Carmela turned around in confusion. He was standing and pulling on his grey sweater over his t-shirt. How was he so tall and why was his muscular body so--

"Work?" She asked, gulping and shoving those thoughts from her mind.

"Yeah. I work at the club bar remember?" Tae said, glancing at her. His voice was gentler than usual. Carmela instantly regretted snapping at him.

"Ah." She got up and walked to the door, turning the door knob. She sighed in relief as it swung open. She spun back to Tae, who was fixing his hair in the wall mirror. She suddenly felt... shy. Huh. Carmela Lee... shy.

"Ahem... the door's open now."

"Great." He took a last look in the mirror and hurried over to the door. Just as he was about to brush past Carmela and exit, they caught each others' eyes and froze.

"Um... Well, thanks for last night, I guess. It was great." He said softly, smiling. Carmela choked and stumbled back. What? Wait...

"W-what do you mean? I didn't do anything..." She said, trying to pull out her memories from the crazy night yesterday. They didn't do anything... right?

"What're you talking about, I actually enjoyed it." He dragged a hand through his hair.

"B-but... stop it, what the hell are you saying! We were just sleeping!" Carmela panicked, raising her voice.

Tae's face flashed into an extremely confused one, then a surprised one, and then he burst out laughing, throwing his head back and holding his stomach.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The fuck, were those tears?

Carmela felt her face burn, and her stomach felt horrible. Did she actually do something last night? Did she... did she give him a blow job or something? But when? That's not really something to forget... especially with him.

"W-wait. Stop laughing! Tae what... what were you talking about exactly?"

"Hm... well let's see, I WAS talking about something else, but now I just can't seem to stop thinking about how good it felt and that... that taste." He said softly and licked his lips, as Carmela felt her legs wobble. Tae laughed even harder at her horrified face.

Wait... WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON? Taste? But... no. That's not possible. She knew for a fact that he hadn't touched her. She definitely would've remembered the feeling of him... making her squirm... f-fuck.

Carmela cleared her throat, as he tried to catch his breath with his hands on his knees. She couldn't find her voice. Her mind was crazy confused and her heart was leaping out of her chest. Did he really f-finger her? But he said that... wait... maybe she gave him a blow job?

"Hell, Carmela! I was talking about last night, as in: thanks for the dinner, and letting me sleep on the bed! Now, what the fuck were you thinking about?" He grinned evilly.

What... wait... oh my God.... Carmela felt her cheeks light on fire and clenched her jaw. Was she mental? Did her brain lose some cells recently? Or was she just plain messed up?

"GET OUT. GET OUT RIGHT NOW." She ordered. Tae's smile froze at her intimidating glare.



"GET OUT!" She lunged towards him and pushed him quickly out of the room, slamming the door in his face.

Her forehead was dotted with sweat and she panted, trying to regain herself. Why did she always embarrass herself around him? Why was she always thinking about... that shit... with him? It made her feel a little shallow. But she knew for a fact that she wasn't only attracted to him because of his looks. The way he had talked last night... still sent goosebumps into her skin. She scratched her head in confusion and looked around the room. Hm. It was sort of sad. That annoying brat leaving...

Her phone lit up with a notification and she grabbed it off her bed. It was Yoon.

*Hey Carmela. Me and Jimin are going to the mall. Wanna come with?*

*Sure, where and when do you wanna meet?*

*We'll pick you up at your house right now, if you want.*

*That's perfect, thx!*

She grinned, checking the weather on her phone as well. It was hot today, but not too hot. Running over to her closet, she pulled on her outfit for the day. Black skinny jeans and black crop top, with a dark brown bomber jacket. She paired her outfit with white sneakers and quickly brushed her long blonde hair. Good enough. She was too lazy to put on make-up today. Besides, she figured she should appreciate her bare face. And also... he wasn't going to be there anyway...

"Aunt Kass! I'm going out!" She called and opened the front door.

Aunt Kass appeared around the corner, smiling.

"Alright dear! Stay safe!" The short woman said, moving in for a hug.

"You know, I haven't forgiven you for last night. I really can't believe you did that." Carmela muttered as her aunt hugged her tight.

"Hm, well I guess I will say that I am sorry, mija! But I do not regret it one bit!" She chuckled.

But before Carmela could answer, she hummed her favourite Spanish song and shuffled away. Ugh, whatever.

Carmela stepped outside, walked over the green lawn, and onto the sidewalk. She shaded her eyes from the sun with her hand and breathed in the fresh air. Excitement bubbled up inside her, thinking about today.

Wait... Jules. Why hadn't she called or even texted? Aunt Kass had definitely told Heather how Carmela literally got kidnapped yesterday, so Jules had to know. Even Hosi came to the hospital! Is that how you treat a best friend? A sister? She huffed in disappointment and anger. Jules had never done this. Even when Carmela got a little fever, Jules was immediately over, frantic about her health. What the fuck was going on? Was she... was she mad about something? Wait... ugh, yesterday.

Carmela groaned as she remembered how she had refused to tell Jules about Tae, or anything, and commanded to drop her off by the bench he was sitting on by the road. She had even told her to drive away. But Carmela didn't mean to make her upset. She really didn't. And why didn't Jules just talk to her about it? Maybe Carmela should apologize later...

But all those thoughts disappeared as a black Mercedes pulled up in front of her house. The front passenger window rolled down and Carmela instantly lit up with joy seeing Jimin's smiling face.

"Hey hey hey, Carmela! Come on!" He called. His voice sounded so sweet, like it was dripping with honey. And he had these little voice cracks that weren't really voice cracks but just made his voice so young. It made Carmela smile and she hurried over and hopped inside the car. Yoon turned around from the driver's seat, grinning. His smile was so cute and adorable! Carmela felt herself wondering what the fuck she just said in her head as she gazed at his gums peaking out from the tops of his teeth.

"Glad you could make it. Let's gooo!" Yoon said with a deep buzzing voice. He turned back and the car jerked forwards.

"Thanks for inviting me, guys! This is the first time we're hanging out, I'm exciteddd!" She said to them happily as Jimin laughed and reached back behind his seat and put his palm out for Carmela. Aww! She high-fived it and they all giggled.

It was true that she didn't know them at all. They'd basically just met and hung out during dance practices. But somehow... she felt absorbed into their wild and funny attitudes. No one acted like them. That's why she didn't really mind it when Hosi was such a weirdo sometimes, and he was different around the rest of the boys. Their bond was... nothing like any of her friendships. Well, her only friendship with Jules.

With them she felt... so carefree... so young... so immature! It was fun. It was sort of like she was... just a normal 19 year old.

Wild and happy.

Hopefully it would last.