I Know You Want Me

"What d'you mean? What trip?" Jin asked.

"The manager said it'd be a good idea if we go and visit a performance workshop. It'll get you guys comfortable on the stage and give you tips on how to act in front of audiences and fans." Roxana said, crossing her arms.

Carmela felt excited. She forgot about Tae behind her and dropped her hands to her sides. This sounded fun, and maybe she could meet some professional choreographers!

"Cool! When're we leaving?" Namjoon asked.

"Tomorrow." Roxana replied, as their faces lit up in excitement.

"Tomorrow? Wow, and how long is it?" Carmela asked.

"We're gonna spend a night there actually. It's a two-day workshop, so we need to stay for an extra day." Roxana said.

"Yay! Sleepover!" JK laughed and swung an arm around Jimin.

"Yep. It'll be fun." Tae's deep voice growled, and Carmela's heart pounded as she realized he was directly behind her.

As the music came on and they started reviewing the choreo, Carmela couldn't help but think about Hosi. What was up with him? She couldn't really believe that he could actually like someone. She always thought of him as someone who only wanted to fuck. That's why she wasn't too worried about him. But what the hell was this? He literally said he... liked her.

Carmela shook her head, and readied her stance once more. She swung her body around and the boys in front of her copied her every move. She felt super nervous today, standing in front of Tae. But she ignored her feelings and put on an expressionless face. I am working, I am working, I am working, yep, I am just working.

She lifted her arms in the air and felt her bare stomach exposed. Tae fluttered his eyes and cleared his throat. Carmela noticed him and quickly brought her hands down into the next move, ignoring his dilated eyes.

They practiced for a couple of hours, perfecting and brainstorming the dance some more. Since they were all coming up with the choreo themselves, it was taking a lot more effort and planning. Only half of the dance was done, and Carmela felt proud of it. It warmed her heart and she felt excited just thinking about the fact that she was actually a choreographer. She loved it when they agreed with a dance idea of hers and copied her routine and asked for tips and prompts. She loved how everyone looked up at her. With respect.

After practice was finally over, the sweaty band members dragged themselves into their locker rooms, and Roxana and Carmela followed behind them. Suddenly, Namjoon called from behind.

"Hey Carmela! Can you come here please?" He said, sitting by the tech area, where they had set up a table with a bunch of scribbled papers and notes.

"Yeah sure!" Carmela said, jogging over to him. She leaned on the table as he flipped through some papers and typed away at his laptop at the same time.

"I'm just thinking that this dance move here... doesn't really fit with the music... here. Look." He pushed the laptop towards her and she nodded her head.

"Yeah you're right. We should move it. Maybe incorporate it into the dance break at the end?" She suggested.

Carmela sat down in the chair, as their conversation grew longer. The boys left the practice room one by one, their bags over their shoulders and waving bye. Roxana checked up on them, before leaving herself.

After a couple of minutes, Carmela yawned and stood up and Namjoon did the same.

"Thanks for the help Carmela. We're so lucky to have you." Namjoon said as Carmela gave him a hug.

"Aw! You going soft on me or what?" Carmela snickered and playfully hit him on the arm. He winced but grinned.

"See ya!" He called and rushed over to the locker room.

Carmela followed him quickly. It was late, and she really wanted to get home.

She crossed the boys' locker room, and kept her eyes straight across on the door to her locker room. Namjoon was on one side of her, changing, and on the other side... she could make out a blur of dark curly hair in the corner of her eye. Everyone else was gone, why was Tae still here?

Carmela rushed into her locker room and got out her stuff.

"See you tomorrow Carmela!" She heard Namjoon call from the other room.

"Bye Namjoon!" She replied.

She slammed her locker shut and swung her bag over her shoulder. Hm. Namjoon was gone, so Tae probably left with him too. Carmela felt a hint of disappointment and longing for the boy suddenly.

She stepped out of her locker room and suddenly found Tae sitting on a bench, his head in his hands.

Her heart thudded inside her and she tried to control her blushing. Why did she get so wound up around him?

"I feel fuckin crazy... you turn me on so bad Carmela..."

Tae's drunken words came back to her, and her stomach fluttered, remembering how close he was when he softly spoke against her lips that night.

Carmela nervously moved forwards, across the boys' locker room, towards the door. Tae lifted his head from his hands, his eyes tired, and stood up.

"Hey. Can you stay for a bit?" He softly breathed.

A shock sparked through Carmela and she froze. He stepped closer to her, his face flushed. His white shirt hung loosely against his muscles and his dark messy hair was scattered across his forehead. Carmela tried not to look at him too much as she turned to him.

"Y-yeah, why?" She squeaked out. He was still stepping closer. Why was he getting so close?

Carmela felt her throat tighten and felt a tingling sensation between her legs. Was she turned on right now? How the fuck can just standing and walking turn someone on? I'm going crazy.

"Was that true? What you said about last night... did that mean nothing to you?" His deep voice rumbled through her as she blinked in surprise.

Why was he thinking about that? Did he... did he actually care?

"Oh. I-I don't even remember--"

"Carmela. I know you want me." He suddenly towered over her, closing the space between them, and she sucked in a breath as he licked his teeth behind his soft lips.


"I don't know what it is. But right fuckin now... I just can't stop thinking about how it would feel... with your lips around me..."

She gasped as swirl of pleasure shocked through her. F-fuck... w-what did he just say....? Lips around--

"Come on, Carmela. You know you want it just as much as I do..." He lifted a hand to her face, and tucked a hair behind her ear, and she fluttered her lashes to his touch.

Yes, she wanted him. She didn't fuckin care about anything right now. Not even if he actually liked her. She just knew she wanted him, she wanted him to moan and squirm because of her. And she knew he wanted it too.

"Fine..." She smirked and dropped her bag to the floor, inching closer and placing her fingers against the belt of his dark pants.