Sorry Hosi...

Carmela walked across her lawn towards Jin sitting on the stairs of her porch. He stood up as she approached.

"Hey Carmela. Do you have a minute?" He asked.

"Yeah of course. What's up?"

"Uhm... well don't take this the wrong way but like..." He scratched his neck, "You need to do something about this."

"Huh, what now?"

"Well uh... we've all been talking, me and the boys, and you need to choose. Because.... you're.... you're breaking us apart Carmela."

Breaking them apart? Ahhh. Now she understood what Jin was talking about and her face heated with embaressment.

"W-what're you--"

"I mean it Carmela. We all do. It's either Hoseok or Taehyung. I'm sorry but you need to hurry. It's getting dangerous between us." He looked her straight in the eye. "We don't want to hurt you, so get it together and fix this. Before we're completely broken." He brushed past her, walking down the sidewalk.

She blinked in surprise at his sudden commanding voice. What was going on? They don't want to hurt-- YOU'RE LEGIT LITTLE BABIES! WHAT'RE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT JIN?

"Ugh." Carmela sighed and shuffled into her house. She went into the kitchen, where Aunt Kass was folding tamales, and told her all about her trip tomorrow. The food and hotel accommodations were provided for the crew and band members so Aunt Kass didn't need to pack any of her world famous meals.

Carmela walked into her room and sighed, opening up her closet. She threw a couple of clothes into a black backpack, preparing for tomorrow. She couldn't help but think about what Jin was saying. The reality of his words hadn't really hit her yet. She had to... choose? Between Hosi and Tae? Well, obviously she was going to choose Tae. She and Hosi were friends and she knew that he was in some ways attracted to her, BUT Carmela was attracted to Tae. She loved the way he worried about her but wouldn't admit it, and the way he was rude but respectful at the same time. And he wasn't like Hosi. He was... different than any other man she had ever met. Yes. Tae was definitely the person she wanted. But how would Hosi react...

Her phone lit up with a message and she saw it was from Hosi.

*Come outside*

Carmela sighed and dragged her feet out to the front door. She swung it open and found the tall, redheaded boy standing on the lawn.

"What?" She asked.

"Can we talk Carmela? Can we actually talk for a bit?" His raspy voice was soft right now, and Carmela felt a weird sadness in her heart.

"Sure, Hosi, sit." She said and sat down on the wooden steps. He came and sat beside her, rubbing his tattooed hands together.

"Listen, I know what you're thinkin. You're thinkin that I'm being fake right now, that I would never genuinely like you, that I'm an asshole who wants you for nothing except a good fuck, right?"

"No! That's--" Ehh... sort of true... whoops.

"Babe, lemme talk. I need you to understand what I'm feeling right now. I need you to understand that I ain't the same Hosi as before. I'm more mature now, and when I say I want you, you gotta believe me... I want you." He sighed, as she stared at him gently.

"Hosi... we've been friends for a couple of months now, right? You should know how I feel about dating--" Carmela started.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about? Carmela, we all know that's not true anymore. Ever since..." He trailed off.

"Ever since what? What, Hosi?"

"Ever since you met Tae! Did you really think that no one knew? The way you look at him, the way he looks at you... it's fucking disgusting. But it did give me hope... I realized that you were capable of liking someone, so I finally decided to reveal my feelings."

Carmela breath tightened as he stood up, kicking at the grass.

"How long have you liked me?" She squeaked out, standing too.

He turned to her, and stepped close to her face. His blue eyes wandered around her disturbed expression and he softly spoke.

"The moment I met you."

No... Hosi... I don't want to... I don't want to hurt you...

"I know how you feel about him, babe." His thumb traced her jaw. "But... I've been waiting for you all this time... just give me a chance... please, Carmela."

Carmela lips quivered and her heart ached with sadness. What was she supposed to do? Being with Tae made her happy... but Hosi would be completely broken. But it was impossible for her to like Hosi. There was nothing appealing about him... he wasn't like Tae.

"Hosi.... look," She stepped back from him. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry it's like this. I really am. But what do you expect me to do? I can't change myself. I can't change my... heart."

Hosi's face dropped and his red lashes fluttered gently. He clenched his jaw and stiffly nodded.

"Don't worry about it. I understand." He said, and walked back to his truck.

Carmela called after him in a broken voice.

"I really am sorry, Hosi!"

He nodded again and shut the car door, accelerating away down the street.

What the hell was that? Carmela's head hurt from all the confusing shit she was going through all of a sudden. Choosing between Tae and Hosi? WHY?! Jin said if she didn't choose quickly things were going to get dangerous and the boys' friendship would break. But literally, even if she chose Tae, Hosi was going to freak out anyways and they would hate each other even more.

Wait, a minute... Carmela knew she liked Tae, but did HE like her? He did ask for a blow job earlier... but he always sleeps with Roxana... ughhhhhhhhhhh WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Hmm. Maybe Jules would know what to do.

Carmela stomped back inside and was about to take out her phone to text Jules she was coming, but she figured she would just go and surprise her. Like the old days.

"Jerome! I need a ride to Jules' place!" She yelled.

Jerome slumped out of his room and went into the garage where Carmela was waiting for him.

"Come on." She sat inside the car and they sped off.


They pulled up in front of the Henleys' house and Carmela stepped in front of the door, ringing the bell. Hopefully Hosi wasn't home. He was usually at the club in the evenings anyway, so it would be fine. Hopefully.

The door opened and Carmela grinned at the smiling beautiful woman in front of her.

"Hello, Carmela! Come in, come in!" Heather ushered Carmela inside, and she kicked off her shoes.

"Thanks Heather. Is Jules home?"


"Great!" Carmela said and rushed down the stairs towards Jules' room.

She approached Jules' room and frowned. There were voices coming from inside. One sounded like a boy's voice. Shit... Hosi was here! Carmela quickly spun around and began to go back up the stairs when the door clicked open behind her.


A deep voice rang out and Carmela froze, a shock sparking through her.

She turned around slowly and found a tall, muscular boy dressed in lose black clothing standing right in front of her.

Oh, right...

And he had dark curly hair.