Chapter 8: A day not like any other

Beijing Guwan Cheng, Exit

" How do you know my name?" The officer asked him in an interrogative tone.

Unknown: I know much more about you than you think. By the way, how's your sister doing?

" How do you know my sister?" He asked skeptically.

Unknown: My motive? I'm looking for someone!

Police Detective Ying Jie:

(Just as I thought!)

"Who are you looking for?"

Unknown: I'll answer your question next time. So long, Police Detective Ying Jie!

" You did a great job today, Ying Jie. Let's go back!" Commissioner Beiyang said as a compiment.

Police Detective Ying Jie

( Who are you? How do you know us?)

" Ying Jie, are you coming?" A kind-hearted young man and one of Ying Jie's colleagues and best friends. He's named Lui Xiang.

" Yeah, coming!" He followed behind him.

Li Imperial Palace

Prince Li Wei Quarters

Prince Li Wei Chamber

(When he's asleep, he looks just like an angel, but when he awoke in the morning, he looked different. All the sadness and pain irremediably show on his face. I can't bear to see all that sadness and pain.

Without a second thought, I kneeled and kissed Wei's forehead gently and said: "I'll see you tomorrow, Wei! Sleep well and have sweet dreams!"

Prince Li Wei Quarters, Exit

  Miss Ying Yue, are you looking for someone?" Inquired the imperial advisor.

" Advisor Dong Cong, it's you! I'm looking for Princess Li Mei. May you be so kind and tell me where to find her?" I said sweetly.

" Her highness is out for the moment and won't be back for a while". He said as a response

" Thank you for your help, Advisor Dong Cong! Can you pass on a message for me?" I inquired in a sudden tone.

" Of course!"

" Give this letter to the princess! I'll get going! See you tomorrow, Advisor Dong Cong!" I handed him an envelope.

" See you tomorrow, Ying Yue!"

(Ying Yue exits Prince Li Wei's Quarters).

In the hall

" Why are you still here Ying Yue?" An unpleasant voice interpellated me in the hallways.

" Not you again, Concubine Chu Hua! I need a rest from your presence!" I said annoyed.

" If you don't want to see me that much, why don't you resign?" She said indifferently.

" Sorry to disappoint you, but I won't resign". I said confidently.

" Why won't you resign? What's keeping you here?" She inquired in an angered tone.

" I came here to do a job and in case you don't remember, my job here is to take care of Prince Wei". I said as a response.

" Take care of him? Are you blind? What's there to take care of? Didn't you see it yesterday? Prince Li Wei is deaf-mute. He's unable to talk. He's good for nothing brat. Because of him, our emperor has never been the same again".

" And why is that?" I inquired in an assertive tone.

" Since the empress passed away, our emperor lost the motivation to live. He's always locked in his room and never sees anyone. Empress Dowager and Princess Li Mei take care of imperial affairs".

" How long has it been since he last steps out of his room?"

I wanted to know so I asked the concubine but the response I got from my interrogation left me speechless.

" It's been 5 years!"

5 years? It can't be! How could he? How could he? That explains everything. That explains why I haven't seen him since I started working here.

" See! That's what they've been hiding from you!" She said further.

" Thank you for letting me know the truth, Concubine Chu Hua. I'll take my leave!"

(Ying Yue exits the hall).

Imperial Nanny Ying Yue

(It can't be! This must be a dream, right? It has to be a dream. There's no other explanation).

" Ying Yue, are you alright?" 

In my reflection, I bumped into another of the imperial concubines.

" Who are you?" I inquired confusingly.

The young lady is a kind-hearted and smiling lady. She's all the opposite of Concubine Chu Hua who gets on my nerve every time I see her.

" Sorry! I haven't introduced myself to you yet. I'm Concubine Ah Lam! Nice to meet you!" She apologized to me quite forwardly.

" Nice to meet you too! See you around, Concubine Ah Lam!" I continued my long walk to the exit.

In the hall

" Chu Hua, what's wrong with Ying Yue today?" Concubine Ah Lam encountered Concubine Chu Hua on her way to her quarters.

" Nothing wrong with her. You worry too much!" She said evasively.

" What did you do to her?" The concubine didn't believe her in the slightest.

" What? Excuse me!"

" I know you very well and I also know your temper. You must have said something to her. Something that put her in that state".

" Are you blaming me? Awesome! I don't have time to trouble that poor girl". She said indifferently.

" Stop your nonsense and admit the truth already!" She shouted in anger.

" What you're thinking right now is the truth. I told her everything". She said with a sneering smile.

" What do you mean by everything? You don't mean----------" The concubine looked quite pale all of a sudden.

" You guessed it!" Her grin became even more sneering.

" Why? Why did you do that?" The concubine was furious at her for what she has done.

" Why you ask? Isn't it obvious? I don't want her here".

" Who don't you want here, Concubine Chu Hua?" The imperial princess appeared out of the blue cutting their conversation short.

" Chu Hua greets your highness!"

She got startled hearing the imperial princess's voice.

" What were you guys talking about just now?" She inquired authoritatively.

" Nothing! It was nothing! We'll excuse ourselves! Let's go, Ah Lam!" She dragged her along.

" Okay!"

In the hallway!!!

" You better shut your mouth if you know what's good for you! If you don't, you'll suffer the consequences!" Said Concubine Chu Hua as a warning.

" Is that a threat?" She inquired coldly.

" Oh no! I wouldn't dare! See you later, Ah Lam!" She said with a sneering grin.

Ying Residence

  Looks like Jie is not home yet. Let's cook dinner and go to bed! Ying Yue glanced around, realizing Ying Jie hasn't gotten home yet.

2 hours later

" I'm home! Yue, are you home?"

There's food on the table and a note. "I won't be seeing you upon your arrival as I'm very tired. I've cooked up something for you. I hope you'll like it. I'll be seeing you tomorrow! With love, Yue"!!!

Wow! She made all these delicious foods just for me. Let's not waste it and dig in! It's too salty! I wonder what happened! She never makes mistakes while cooking. She always puts in the right amount of salt. This is the first time such a thing has happened. Just like me, she had a bad day herself.

Li Imperial Palace

" Your highness, Ying Yue left this letter to be given to you". The imperial advisor handed the envelope to the imperial princess.

" Thanks, advisor Dong Cong! You are dismissed!"

" Yes!" The imperial advisor exits her quarters.

The princess opened the envelope and discovered what was written inside.

  "We need to talk, Princess".

The next chapter hits on September 14, 2020!!!