Chapter 15: Departure Part 1

Ying Household

" Why did she ask such a thing to me? What did she mean when she said I was the only one who could find him? I'm so confused by her words! If I rethink, she said-------------------------------------------- was I thinking to myself.


Li Imperial Exit

" Ying Yue, wait up!" Concubine Ah Lam interpellated Ying Yue on the way out.

" Concubine Ah Lam, Good morning!" Ying Yue said formally to the concubine in response.

" Good morning to you too, Ying Yue!" Said the concubine with a grin.

" I haven't thanked you yet for what you've done for me. It's thanks to you that I finally decided to return to the Imperial Palace and for that, I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart".

" If you want to thank me, then do something for me". The concubine got assertive all of a sudden.

" What?"

" Take on Li Wei's case!" Said the concubine in an assertive tone.

" What did you say just now?" Ying Yue was shocked by the concubine's sudden demand.

" I asked you to take on Li Wei's case!" She confirmed by repeating herself.

" That's not possible!" Said Ying Yue bluntly.

" Not possible? Why not?" The concubine inquired interrogatively.

" My brother is already working on the case, so why should I meddle?"

" You're the only one who can find Prince Wei and bring him back home safe and sound". She responded.

" Why me?"

" Among all of us, you're the only one who knows Prince Wei the best. How he feels and the sadness he tries so hard to hide from others. You're the only one who can see it despite all his efforts to hide it". The concubine stared upon her very intensely.

" I understand where you're coming from, but I can't do it! My brother is a talented Police Detective Officer and no case ever went unsolved by him. He's the best choice for this case". Said Ying Yue confidently.

" What about you? Don't you find yourself capable enough?" Her question got Ying Yue rather surprised and confused.

" What do you mean?"

" All your blabbering about loving Prince Wei were all lies. You don't love him one bit!" The concubine said in anger.

" Stop it already! Don't say another word! You have no idea how I feel inside my heart, so don't talk like you know everything".

" You're not saying anything concrete. Prince Wei must be so scared all by himself and you don't seem to care at all.

" That's enough! I know at this very moment, he must be feeling scared, lonely, and insecure. I know all that, but what can I possibly do? I'm just a normal nanny. I can't do anything but entrust the case to my brother". Said Ying Yue who had fallen on her knees.

" Is this the level of your love?" Inquired the concubine in an interrogative tone.

End of flashback

Present time

  I would like to find him myself, but how? Finding missing people is the job of a police officer and a private detective. If I were a private detective, then maybe, I could----------------------------------- What am I thinking? There's no way I could become a detective, I thought to myself.

Li Imperial Palace

Prince Li Wei Pavillon

He was here the whole time, all by himself. He was so lonely and I wasn't even there for him. He never knew his mother and he never saw his father, not even once. For five long years, his father despised him and didn't want to know anything about him. Whether he was dead or alive, he didn't care one bit about his son. That girl was right all along. I've been a terrible father to Wei. I'm sorry Mei! I couldn't be a good father to our son, Emperor Li Jun thought to himself.

The imperial advisor barged into the room to transmit a message to the emperor.

" Dong Cong greets his majesty!" Advisor Dong Cong said bowing in respect.

"What is it you want?" the emperor asked the advisor questionably.

" I was asked by Empress Dowager to inform you that dinner was ready" Advisor Dong Cong replied.

"I'm not hungry!" the emperor said.

"If I may be so blunt your majesty, punishing yourself like that will only make things worse. I don't mean to be rude, but if something were to happen to you, how will you greet his highness upon his return?" Advisor Dong Cong asked the emperor in a questionable tone.

The emperor kept silent as he didn't know how to respond. He looked at his imperial advisor lost and confused.

"I'm very sorry, your majesty! I didn't mean to interfere in your business. Please, excuse my rudeness just now, your majesty!" Advisor Dong Cong said in a sorry state.

"I'll be down in five minutes!" the emperor replied.

" I'll excuse myself!" said the advisor leaving the room.

MPS Police Station

" Xu Lifang, have you seen Ying Jie anywhere?" the police detective officer asked his coworker and friend.

"From what I heard, he's on another case at the moment" the police detective officer Xu Lifang replied to his coworker and friend.

" Another case? What kind of case?" the police detective officer Lui Xiang asked questionably.

" Just like the previous case, this case also involves a missing person," the police officer Xu Lifang said.

" Are these disappearances cases only coincidental?" the police officer Lui Xiang asked.

"You don't know the best of it all!" the police officer Xu Lifang suddenly said.

" What?" he asked.

" The missing child went missing on the same day as the crown prince, Li Wei" officer Xu Lifang replied.

" No way! This can't be! What could all of this mean? Where is he now?" officer Lui Xiang asked worriedly.

" Beijing Prefecture!" officer Xu Lifang responded.

Beijing Prefecture, China

"Good morning, madam! I was sent by the MPS Police Station. I'm officer Ying Jie! Nice to meet you!" said officer Ying Jie respectfully.

" Nice to meet you too, officer! I'm Viviana Perez! I'm the one who contacted you. Would you like something to drink?" the young lady suddenly asked.

"Water, please!" officer Ying Jie said politely.

"Here's your water!" the young lady came back two minutes later with a cup of water in her hand and handed it to the officer.

" Thanks! Let's talk about the reason for my visit!" the officer said seriously.

"I'm an independent woman with two children at hand, Alexandre and Estrella. Estrella went missing two days ago" Viviana Perez said.

"What was the reason for her disappearance? Did you have a fight?" suddenly asked the officer.

" I'm the one responsible for my daughter's disappearance!" the young lady replied sadly.

"What do you mean?" the officer asked Mrs.Perez in a questionable tone.

" Well, the thing is-------------------------------" Mrs.Perez narrated the whole story to the officer.

" I see! Your daughter disapproves of your remarriage" said the officer understanding everything.

"That's correct! She's against it! We fought about that matter which led to her disappearance two days after" Mrs.Perez said sadly.

"May I ask you a question?" the officer suddenly asked.

" Of course! Go right on ahead! What do you want to know, officer!" Mrs.Perez said.

" How old is your daughter?" asked the officer.

" 5 years old!" Mrs.Perez replied.

Just as I suspected! This case isn't normal. There are too many coincidences! the officer thought to himself.

" What is it, officer? You look worried?" Mrs.Perez suddenly asked which startled the officer.

"We received a similar case yesterday. The missing child went missing two days ago and is also 5 years old. According to our sources--------------------------" the officer explained to Mrs.Perez.

MPS Police Station

"There's something else I forgot to mention!" officer Xu Lifang said to his coworker and friend.

" What else?" officer Lui Xiang asked.

"There's been children's traffic in the area lately" officer Xu Lifang replied.

"Children's traffic?" officer Lui Xiang asked shockingly.

"We haven't found the areas where they appeared just yet" officer Xu Lifang said.

" Ying Jie is so busy!" officer Lui Xiang suddenly said.

" What do you mean by Ying Jie is so busy? We're busy ourselves in case you have forgotten!" officer Xu Lifang said tapping and tickling officer, Lui Xiang.

" I'm sorry! Stop it! It tickles! Do you think Ying Jie will be alright?" officer Lui Xiang asked officer Xu Lifang.

" I'm not worried about him! Let's get back to work! We have lots to do" officer Xu Lifang said to his coworker and friend.

" Okay!" officer Lui Xiang said standing up.

" What I'm so worried about is the coincidence of these cases. I'm worried about him! Are you going to be okay on your own?" officer Xu Lifang thought to himself while looking at the sky.

Beijing Prefecture, China

"Child traffic? Oh no! My little girl, where have you gone to? Come back home! I promise to do anything you ask, so please come back! Come back to me! Mommy is waiting for you at home" Mrs.Perez was crying out of worry for her youngest daughter.

" Calm down, madame! Here! Drink some water!" officer Ying Jie handed a cup of water to Mrs.Perez.

"Thank you!" Mrs.Perez said thankfully.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The doorbell rang and Mrs.Perez was about to get the door.

" Don't bother! I'll get it!" officer Ying Jie stands up and heads to get the door.

"Thank you!" Mrs.Perez said thankfully.

Officer Ying Jie opened the door and found a young man standing there. He's tall and by his posture and maturity, he looked like a 33 to 35-year man.

" Who is it? Ryuji? You're finally here!" Mrs.Perez appeared right behind me.

" I'm sorry for being late! Any news concerning Estrella?" the man said coming inside the house.

"Not quite! I'm worried!" Mrs.Perez said worriedly.

" Don't worry! Nothing's going to happen to our daughter. Come on, stop crying! You know I hate to see you cry" the young man said hugging Mrs.Perez tightly in his embrace.

" How about now?" said Mrs. Perez by wiping away her tears.

"You look much better when you smile. Never lose that smile of yours! That smile who melted my heart two years ago" the young man said smiling.

" I'm sorry to interrupt you guys, but---------------------------------------" the officer said annoyed.

"Sorry, officer!" Mrs.Perez said which shocked the man.

"Officer?" The man looked at Mrs. Perez confusingly.

" I forgot to introduce you guys. Ryuji, let me introduce you to officer Ying Jie. He'll be in charge of finding Estrella. Officer Ying Jie, let me introduce you to Ryuji Tachibana, my boyfriend". Mrs. Perez said introducing the young man.

Ryuji Tachibana? The CEO of the Tachibana group is Mrs.Perez's fiance and future husband to be? Talking about a revelation. Lui Xiang and Xu Lifang won't believe me when I tell them.

"I'm not your boyfriend! I'm your f---------------------------------- Ryuji Tachibana said unable to finish his words.

"Ryuji, please! Say no more! Our relationship is the sole reason for Estrella's disappearance. How can I marry you if my daughter's unhappy about it?" Mrs.Perez said sadly.

"What are you trying to tell me, Vivi?" Ryuji Tachibana asked Mrs.Perez questionably.

"For my daughter's happiness, we have to put our relationship on hold for a while," Mrs.Perez said sadly.

" Are you breaking up with me?" Ryuji Tachibana asked Mrs. Perez in a questionable tone.

" I never said that. It's just that I------------------------------------" Mrs.Perez said unable to finish her sentence.

" I understand! I won't ever see you again. You have my word! I'll be taking my leave now!" Ryuji Tachibana said standing up.

" I'm sorry! I hurt your feelings! I'm sorry!" Mrs.Perez said crying.

"Stop crying already! It's not your fault! We have to do this for our daughter's happiness. I can do anything for you, but I can't stand to see you cry" Ryuji Tachibana said, wiping her tears and taking his leave.

" I never wanted things to end up like this!" Mrs.Perez said crying.