Chapter 63: Couple’s Fight

Beijing Prefecture, China

Perez Residence

Guest Room 2

" So, your intention for wanting the crown prince to go back home is to keep your promise to him?" Ying Jie asked me questionably.

" Why do you think so?" I asked my elder brother questionably.

" You seem to be pitying him. Do you regret the behavior you had towards him?" My elder brother asked me in a questionable tone.

" I don't know, brother! I have no idea if what I did at that time was right or wrong. I have never been violent before that event but thinking about Wei's agony made me completely lose control of myself. I didn't give him the chance nor the opportunity to explain his side of the story. Since I undertook this case, I've been reflecting on my actions and I realized I was wrong for acting so impulsively". I said assertively.

" Are you telling me you've forgiven him?" Ying Jie asked questionably.