Chapter 195: The young prince agony!

Before heading back after exiting the imperial palace, Ying Yue headed towards the Dark Pavilion to pay a visit to Concubine Ah Lam. 

" Ying Yue, it's so great to see you. I'm so bored here all by myself. Besides you and Chu Hua, no one else dares to come to visit me. I'm so glad that you came to visit me". Concubine Ah Lam gave me a warm hug and I hugged her in return.

" You'll be out of here soon! The emperor has levitated your punishment a bit, hasn't he?" I told her as a way to comfort her.

" You might be right but I'm afraid this command his majesty gave is simply a fluke. I misbehaved towards the imperial princess, his lovely elder sister, the one he holds high regard towards. How could he forgive me just like that?" The imperial concubine started to wonder where the emperor's change of heart came from and who was responsible for such a change.