Chapter 226: A Weird Sensation! (4)

Ying Yue told Erina Fujimashi they had to leave. Erina couldn't understand why Ying Yue was so tense and frightened. 

" Erina, listen to me attentively! We have to leave right this instant before they get here. If they spot us here, Clara will be taken away from you. Is this what you want?"

" No, I don't! I'll pack our stuff right away". Erina, Clarisse, and Clara went to pack their luggage.

The young prince asked his nanny what was going on. Her expression was worrisome to the young prince.

" Listen, my little prince! I don't want to scare you, but those people are back. They're in this city. Those scrupulous people who were behind your captivity in Wuxi are near us. They're very near".

Ying Yue narrated to the young prince what happened at the meeting with the debt collector. When she was done with her narration, Prince Li Wei was petrified in place.