Chapter 245: Start of the Operation! (7)

Ying Yue landed in the basement and met with the others. The informant joined her soon after.

" Miss, I can't believe your plan has truly come to fruition. I'm so impressed". The informant praised me softly.

" You shouldn't thank me unless we've successfully rescued all the kids". I said in an assertive tone.

" You're right regarding that!" He agreed.

Approximately two minutes later, the subways came back. The remaining of the kids entered the five subways while Ying Yue starred with a slight grin.

( Finally, at last, all those kids will return to their families and regain the time they've lost).

" It's about time now. Thanks for everything, Miss! If it hadn't been for you, this operation wouldn't have taken place". He uttered overjoyed.

" You shouldn't thank me for doing my job". I uttered in response.