Chapter 258: The fun is over: It’s now time to get back to working life!

When Ying Yue got back home after the emperor had dropped her, everyone was sound asleep, or so she thought.

" Sis, you're here!" Ying Jie was seated on his bed.

Ying Jie noticed how dressed up his younger sister was and how stunning she looked. He then wondered if she had gone somewhere.

" I see that you're not yet asleep. Did you go somewhere?" I asked curiously.

" No, I haven't! I just wasn't sleepy." He denied.

" What about you, Yue? Why are you so dressed up?" He asked intriguingly.

Ying Yue was tired of this hide and seek game. She entered her brother's room and sat beside him.

" If you must know, we were both at the same place today" I uttered maliciously.

" How could we have been at the same place today? There's no way that's possible." He rubbed his head nervously as he looked the other way.

" Do you want to keep playing this game, brother, or do you want to put a stop to it?"