Chapter 331: My Promise!

The emperor looked at me all confused as he tried to grasp the current situation. With effort, he asked, " What do you mean, returning to me what I've lost, Miss Ying Yue?"

I schooled over to him until we were just a few meters apart from one another. The atmosphere was starting to get kind of hot and the emperor was flushing a little when I said out of the blue, " Something is missing from your life, isn't it?" Something you miss so badly that it hurts right there, right?" I put my hand on his heart which was the area of the body I was referring to.

Still flustered, the emperor uttered, " Miss Ying Yue, you're too close."

" Oh, I'm sorry, your majesty! Did I scare you?" I schooled back down to my original seat. The atmosphere got silent for a while before the emperor spoke once more, " How can you be so confident you'll find that missing part I speak of and return it to me?"