Chapter 335: My Little Angel

Feeling more determined than ever, I headed straight to Wei's school to set things right with the school. At the same time, the emperor also departed with Wei to the school.

A few minutes later, I was the first one to arrive at Wei's school. Wei was nowhere in sight as he had yet to show up. I asked around where the principal's office was and once I found it, I headed straight there.

The principal was an elderly man I'm his fifties or sixties with gray hair. He looked at me confused as to why I was suddenly in his office.

Hesitating a little, he asked, " Young lady, what are you doing in my office?"

I answered his question with another, " Would you happen to be the principal, Sir?" I stepped further into his office until he could see me. When that was the case, he changed his demeanor completely and stood.

Coming towards me with a lavishing grin, he extended his hand to shake it. " Hello, Miss! I'm the principal of this school, Hiroyuki Date."