Chapter 342: Lost and Found (1)

Xu Lifang and I arrived at the MPS Police Station a few minutes later. When Xu Lifang headed inside to report to the Commissioner, I waited for him inside the car. 

" Lifang, are you already done with your case?" Xu Lifang encountered my brother in the hallways, but he wasn't alone. He was together with the princess and they were heading toward the exit.

" Yes, I am. I've come to report back to Commissioner Beiyang." Xu Lifang noticed the princess next to him and greeted her formally. The princess reciprocates the gesture.

Ying Jie noticed Xu Lifang questioning eyes on him and said, " I'm going to walk Her Highness to the exit and be right back." Without saying more than he should, he walked out of the police station, leaving Xu Lifang to wander.

" Ying Yue is outside. I don't think that would cause problems if they found out she was waiting in my car, right?" Xu Lifang subconsciously wondered.