Chapter 420: Setting The Record Straight!

Five minutes earlier, the emperor ran after his son in a jiffy but the latter was way too fast and he was unable to catch up to him.

" Li Wei is so fast. Had he been training secretly without my knowledge? " The emperor mumbled. " I'll have to get back up in shape or this will become quite embarrassing later on. "

He kept his momentum up a notch and just when he finally spotted Ying Yue and the young prince together, he witnessed something unbecoming. 

" I've been dormant for way too long and it's about time I get back to the scene. " Ying Yue uttered those words without a slight of emotion in her eyes.

The emperor who was still in s state of shock subconsciously thought along the lines: 

" What's happening here? Did Miss Ying Yue just slap Lucy Garden? For what reason? What did you do to infuriate her so much? "