When Henry showed up that morning at his father's doorstep he thought everything would turn out okay. His father whom he barely knew from childhood refused to see him. He expected the disappointment. After all, rejection is to be expected being a child out of wedlock. Henry was looking for him for the last twenty years of his young life. And like the rest of the years that had gone before, the very few chance of meeting his biological father again did not come out as expected.
His father was a top executive of a big multinational company. People called him Mr. "O". O stands for Ocampo . Henry did not inherit his father's last name, in fact he grew up poor and live most of his young life in the slums of the cities poorest district. All he wanted was to come tell him how happy he is that he already graduated from college and that his degree in Physical Theraphy is something he wanted to brag about. Mr. Ocampo was busy that day when he brushed aside that parental meeting with his son. He went on to meet some of his business friends in the city. That morning was fruitful because he was able to close some business deals at a luncheon meeting. Later in the afternoon he went to his favorite Polo club to unwind and rode his favorite horse as he wore his white pristine pants and polo shirt. He was the picture of a very successful man in his fifties, active and always on the go. One can feel he wanted to reach the top at that perfect ripe age and everything seemed all set. But that afternoon as he swung his powerful arm to hit the ball on the ground his horse went overboard and threw him in a concrete pavement. He was unconscious when paramedics brought him to the nearest hospital.
It was two weeks later when Mr. Ocampo regained his consciousness. He opened his eyes and saw the distraught image of his wife. Mrs. Ocampo was still young, around thirty six and she was completely unprepared for the kind of tragedy she faced at that time. The doctor told her that a massive hemorrhage did some damage on the left side of Mr. Ocampo's brain and it is the reason why he cannot move the right side of his body. Mrs Ocampo stood by her husband day in and day out and attended to him through Mr. O's difficult hours. But two weeks of changing his soiled diaper just got on her nerve that she finally decided to find a couple of domestic help to help Mr. O in his bed.
Mrs. Ocampo thought insurance would cover everything but the rising cost of her husband hospitalization made her decide to look for answers in his husband savings. While rummaging through his files she realized her husband took a lot of bad loan which they were unable to pay. In fact to summarize everything there is nothing her husband literally had save for her and for her children's future. She sought the help of other people including friends of her husband but they could only lend so much. Her husband had lots of acquaintances but no true friend he can call his own. Three weeks after the accident she brought her husband home against her doctor's will because the funds had literally ran out. Few days later, she let go of the domestic help she earlier hired after they complained of the irregular salary they received. Her problems just kept on mounting up. She tried posting a crazy work for food ad at her doorstep. She knew no ones going to help her anyway attending to her husbands need. It was just a cry for help.
It was early morning when Henry showed up at her doorstep. He was holding the sign Mrs. Ocampo posted. Mrs Ocampo did not recognized Henry that day. All she kept on saying is that she had no money to give to him or if ever what's left of it will be needed to buy medicine for her husband. She often stuttered and unable to compose herself. But Henry reassured her that he is not asking for any but to offer his free service. Mrs Ocampo led Henry to her husbands room and instructed him regarding the many things he needed to do; the time the medication were to be given, the bathing, the room cleaning, disinfecting and so on.
Henry brought his bag containing some of his belongings. Mrs Ocampo was very accommodating to him unlike the few months when he first showed up at his doorstep. She even showed him where he is to stay, the food he can cook and the instruction on the phone in cases of emergency. Mrs Ocampo was in a hurry. She had to. After the accident she was always nervous, panicky, always on the verge of crying, and she kept on repeating words over and over. Henry looked at her and she seemed so sorry she can't do the dirty work. When Henry was left in his father's room he felt a weakened sensation on his knees. There was lump on his throat and as he move around he felt his shoulder getting heavy. The sight of his father subdued on his bed unable to move told him this is the perfect opportunity to know the old man. He recomposed his strength and began to do the instruction he needs to follow. He trembled and he would stop from time to time to breathe deeply and to catch some air. He cannot bottle the moment but it had given him a sense of joy. He cried as he changed the bed sheet and saw how sore his father's back had become. He instructed his father to lean, thump his back from time to time and thought him proper breathing technique.
A few days later Henry was able to restore some of his father's motor senses. Mr. O can sit on his own. Henry teached him some exercises for his flaccid arms and legs and how to regain some control on the muscle in his tongue so he will not drool. In between those session Henry would tell him all about his background. Or in most instances read aloud an inspirational book he bought in second hand store. Sometimes Mr. O would repeat aloud some of the words Henry would say. Everyday was the same routine; Henry would feed him, bathe him, do the motor exercises and read aloud the books he always carry with him in his back pack. He was his constant companion in his return check up. He performed his job without asking for anything. One day his father wrote something in a piece of paper. He said 'Thank you. For everything. '
Two months later Henry received a call from a placement agency that he needed to fly to the states . An employer wanted an immediate deployment and it would happen in two short week. That news was heavenly and it was always what he wanted -to get away from it all. His mother said it was his time to rise up from extreme poverty and have a fair chance at life. By then Mrs. Ocampo stopped supporting him for food altogether and recent events made it doubly hard for her to buy some of the medicine her husband needed. The Ocampo's house is already on mortgage. Their two children now live with their grandparents and were the ones supporting their education. The other night Henry caught her having an affair with a neighbor. He knew it was time to move on.
When Henry was about ready to break the bad news he told the old man a story about a twelve year old kid looking for his father at the airport. He and his mother went that day to see him so they could at least have a chance to meet his father. When the kid finally saw him, his father just went by without noticing them. That kid heart was broken. He just wanted to tell his father how proud he is that he got a medal during his elementary graduation. He wanted nothing but a few kind words from his old man. Just a few words of encouragement. An affirmation. But he went home feeling empty. Then after telling the story Henry said "Take care Mr. Ocampo. I wont be here tomorrow. Or the next. I will be leaving soon for a job overseas."
He left his father room and was unable to reveal who he was. Moments later he returned in his father's room but the old man was already in a deep sleep. He knelt beside him and confessed. " I am that young boy father. I've been looking for you... for the last twenty years . I think of you everyday. I was hoping I can call you father and me your son. Life has been unkind to me but I am not bitter or angry. I don't learn to expect much from this life. In fact I am thankful for all the blessing that life has given me. I live daily. I had lots of dream but I can't right now because something inside is missing. It pains me that I have this longing to know you, though it's not the same for me. I needed to know why I needed to stay. " They were not alone alone that night. Mrs. Ocampo was listening behind the door as she bore witness to Henry's revelation. She cried as she remember the young boy she often turned away at her door. Then Henry left.
The next morning Mrs Ocampo was doing the household chores when she heard his husband spoke to her. "Look for Henry." Mrs Ocampo was astounded by the clarity of her husbands voice. It was so unlike the way she first heard him after the accident. It was as if a miracle just happened. "Look for my son." Mrs Ocampo replied he is no longer coming back. Mr. Ocampo cried. He said he will probably die without asking for his sons forgiveness.
Henry was at the airport when he saw Mrs Ocampo ran towards him. She hold her heart out that expressed so much gratefulness for all his selfless help he accomplished in such a short time. She was so far away but he knew what she wanted to tell him that day. Her eyes were teary. "Please come back! " she said." Then Henry saw his father sitting on a wheelchair as he carry with him a placard that says "father wants you." Henry held his emotion at bay but the moment was so overpowering that he knew this is the answer he had been waiting for. Now he is ready to close the dark chapter of his young life.