Adam and King Fu

The Royal Palace

Adam walked through the well-known spacious halls of the Royal Palace. The statutes of the dragons attached to the thick-golden columns appeared to be giving their fierce look towards him, although he knew these ornamented halls since he was a little boy; this time, he could smell the metal of the unknown swords of death as he walked, from the guards he'd never seen, that were standing on both sides.

His heart was hitting his chest.

Crossing the many wooden doors of countless rooms, he reached the wide and wooden door of the Throne Room.

Adam knocked on the sculptured waves that symbolized the mysterious powers of the water.

The door opened and a royal guard looked at him.

"I was told that the King wanted to talk with me", Adam looked up to the taller and intimidating face of the guard.

"You may come in."

His chest was burning. It was the first time he was greeted in such a cold way.

Being the personal guard of the princess, Adam knew everyone in the palace. He had his friends and acquaintances who would give him a refreshing atmosphere anywhere he walked.

This time it was different. It was as if someone wanted to stab him from behind.

The doors opened.

There he was ―King fu, sitting on the familiar throne where Adam used to play with the princess when he was younger.

Adam walked and stood in the middle of the wide and open room. Many eyes were on him, mostly from guards he did not know.

"Adam! You have recovered!"

King fu, stood up with his arms open and let his feet fall on each golden stair. Servants with big golden hand fans would bow and follow each of his movements as he came down.

He was dressed in golden ropes that not even the prior King would use ―even his fingers and bare toes had golden rings with precious stones.

Scratching his long beard, walked as if he was drunk.

"I know it can be hard to see me like this after the death of our beloved royal family," Adam could tell his fake expressions, "what? Will you not bow before your King?"

He stood in front of Adam while playing with his large mustache. Frowning his thick dark eyebrows, Adam could breathe the alcohol coming from his mouth.

"I see…," he turned around, almost hitting Adam on the face with his well-groomed braids, "I know it can be hard the fact that I now sit on the throne."

He walked away as if he were dancing.

"I want to know every single detail," he reached out his small hand to the cheek of a female servant ―the same servant that had a great affection towards the princess.

"So, this is the real you, General Fu?" Adam said.

He stopped touching the servant's face.

"How did it happen?" the King looked up his shoulder.

"The attack? As I can see, you seemed to be well informed about the manner. Don't you?"

"I received the report from a watchtower. It was indeed, the darkest day of many years since the great war."

King Fu kept walking, and as he stepped up to the golden throne, the servants were bowing at the same time.

"Bring me some more wine!" said to a servant next to him.

The servant turned and walked at a fast pace and for a brief moment, her eyes connected with Adam's. It was as if she was begging for help.

"So now that you are sitting on the throne, I'm guessing that your purpose is to look for the well-being of the people of the kingdom, am I right?"

"Of course!" the king extended his arms wide open, "I will make of this kingdom, the place it deserves to be!"

"I hope that would be a 'yes' then," the King clacked his lips after Adam said these words, "if you swear to me that the priority of your reign will be the well-being of the people then, I will bow to you."

"Of course, I…"

"Unless… the true heir of the Ka' Pucao Royal Family, appears and reclaims the throne."

"Are you saying that there are survivors?"

"And what would you do if there was a survivor?"

The King looked to both sides and an explosive laugh made him almost fall from the throne. Grabbing the cup of wine that was brought by the servant, he sipped from the golden cup and then connected his eyes with Adam's.

"Of course, I would give back the throne," said with a croaky voice.

"Good then, oh King."

Adam vowed.

"I will be your servant as long as you keep the oath."

At 18 years of age, Adam had gained a reputation of being one among the strongest, even out of the armies; that is why the prior King relied on him the task to protect his daughter. He was a key element of trust and strength in the kingdom.

Knowing this, Adam had to prepare a plan on bringing back the rightful heir to the throne. Somehow, he knew Alya was still alive so, he needed to find out who was behind the attack of the Ka' Pucao Royal Family and their kindred, revenge their death and if necessary, dethrone the king.

"You may stand up," said the king with a smile on his face, "because of the action you just did, I shall make you the general of my armies."

Of course he would, the King needed to gain the trust of the people and the armies, and he would do so by using the image of Adam. If he did this, the people would support King Fu.

"I accept your calling my King."

Adam also knew that being this close to the king would give him the power and the right information to connect the pieces of the event.

He needed to be cautious, the King was not dumb either. Any wrong movement and Adam could receive a death penalty.

That is why he had been thinking about how to gain time, so he came up with a plan.

"Now answer me, General Adam," the King took another sip of wine, "how did the attack happen?"

"Yes, my King. The Royal Carriage was coming back from the celebration of the wedding of Sultan Mahal, and about a day in horseback from the palace, hundreds of men attacked from behind along with their leader who possesses a strange and great power. I saw the King and the Queen laying on a pool of blood and dozens of people that were killed as well."

"What about the bearer?"

"The what?"

"I mean, the princess."

"I… I saw her die too."

"What a tragedy…"

That was his plan ―to say that Alya was dead, and with this new authority he held, Adam would look for her.

No matter how long this could take him.