Chapter 223: One hundred roasted lambs

Ye Yuxi saw Long Xiao Pang disappear after he finished talking and her heart was speechless.

One ate meat and one ate herbs... They were still comparing who could eat more... How could they compare!

Feeling speechless, Long Xiaopang still gave the method of curing the poison. The Poison Transforming Pill...

Ye Yuxi thought about it. The Poison Transforming Pill was a third grade pill. Although she could refine it now, she didn't have the ingredients for the Poison Transforming Pill right now.

With a flash of light in her palm, she took out several restorative Origin Returning Pills.

The Origin Returning Pills had a good effect on healing internal and outer injuries, but whether it had any effect on curing poison, Ye Yuxi didn't know, but could only give it a try.

Ye Yuxi had Madame Li outside the door come in.

When she came in, Madame Li quickly asked, "Miss Ye, is there a way to cure the City Lord?"

Ye Yuxi nodded and handed the pills in her hand over before saying, "Take these pills madame and give the City Lord one every seven days. The City Lord is affected by a strange poison and this Origin Returning Pill can temporarily heal his body, suppressing the poison. As for the method of curing the poison, I have to ask my alchemist friends to make a move. It's already late, we'll be leaving first."

With Madame Li and Li An thanking them, Ye Yuxi led her people away from the City Lord's palace.

The powerful City Lord's concubine in just a few hours went from holding infinite power in her hand to becoming a prisoner.

If she was given another chance, Ji Mian Lian would never offend Ye Yuxi!


Returning to the little yard, the fatty and the others went off to rest and Ye Yuxi returned to her own room.

She called out Long Xiaopang again.

"Dragon master, is there a Beast Flame in the Heaven Mountain Range?" Ye Yuxi asked Long Xiaopang in front of her.

Long Xiaopang was not ing a good mood, it seemed like he had just lost to Huo Ling in who could eat more...

Hearing Ye Yuxi's question, he replied, "There is, but it is a normal grade. Compared to your little husband's Empty Starry Night Flames, it's far worse."

Ye Yuxi rolled her eyes. The Beast Flame couldn't compare to a Strange Flame, was there a need to say this?!

"Do you know where it is?" Ye Yuxi said.

"I don't." Long Xiao Pang replied in a very straightforward manner.

"One hundred entire roasted lambs!" Ye Yuxi naturally didn't believe anything from Long Xiao Pang!

Don't know?

How would you know there is a Beast Flame if you don't know where! Since Long Xiaopang said there is one, it must have encountered it when it was travelling through the mountain range.

Long Xiaopang wanted to reject, but it rubbed its little chin and consider Ye Yuxi's condition.

That was one hundred whole roasted lambs! He couldn't use the Beast Flame and leaving it was no use. Others might have taken it, so it was better to exchange it for roast meat.

Long Xiaopang hummed as he said, "Several dozen years ago, when I came to the Heaven Mountain Range, I did meet a spirit beast that did nurture a Beast Flame, but I don't know if it's still on that mountain or not. You promised just now, you would give me a hundred whole roast lambs if I tell you! You can't go back on your word!"

Ye Yuxi nodded. A few lambs for news on the Beast Flame, she earned quite a bit.

Long Xiaopang's expression became serious as he solemnly said, "You have to promise that whether you find it or not, you will give me the lamb meat!"

Ye Yuxi nodded with a smile. A hundred roast lambs for news on the Beast Flame, if others knew about this, the people that want to change for news would trample over her little yard.

Ye Yuxi found that Long Xiao Pang had stayed with Huo Ling for a long time... His IQ was becoming like Huo Ling's...