The Nursery Tales of Truth

It was chilly air and cold wind months in the trees, Red Pedals call her class and gave them warm stone" I have a stories to tell class but one story a day than refect on it to understand what ancestors wanted"

Many trees wave with 2-4 branches understanding.

Red Pedals spoke "the land was dark and trees could only waited to change to mystic state, once their were many but we felt the darkest energy move, we didn't understand what it was but in a great underground where a lord tree with crystal seeds was eating the dark side of energy he felt the ground shake his brother and sister move to him for safety".

She than wave at the tree's and said " be fair to each other for only our bond can guide through to Greatness"

" As the Lord Tree the Abyss Lord move spotted a hole in the underground caves feeling dark energy, he moved in and he controlled these ghouls of dark energy commanding them to speak out what happened, why is their here, as they moved, man just wave there arms and body, but lord thought they are dark energy he can connect with his crystal seeds so he did that so"

Red Pedals than said " Children you might think this our glorious time but our glorious times is when Abyss Lord cared his brother, sister, trees to new land for the old, the devil had created a weapon to attack man but harm trees alike, gripping the darkness feeling a life crystal sapping our land but in that moment those ghouls Abyss Lord put his seeds into,

they transcended flowing thru them heaven and earth, with Lord cultivating in darkness he was find but his branches felt the like absorbing the dark energy feeling the ghoul connect to nature becoming overwhelmed by the mystic energy becoming bigger after passing day became mountain size Great Plains Guardian, using the dead bodies and with 56 seeds he ordered them to move and carried on their children and families of the mystic trees he wasn't the only Lord Tree out there but he was the first Guardian builder and reached out to Lord tree of Lightning Ground, Heavenly clouds, Land water, stone walls and other not note down moving out to the small islands and find a Lord Tree of Magma soil asking him to build more land so the the vessels can move into the islands to construct a great garden to wait and prepare with sadness in he spirits Abyss wave calling to The Magma Soil, Magma Soil felt the breeze of the trees of the mainland with hope in his heart and love for his brother, he connected to the Magma and move it with his will in moments with the help of Land water cooling down the path trees helping making more land and Stone Walls covered up their track with rocks and a hillside watch on top by Heavenly Clouds watching for enemies comrades and seek dead human bodies they tried using demonic body but after the dark energy left they became ashes,

Lord Trees didn't understand why but there where plenty of human resources they watch fight after fight with Heavenly Cloudd family look and the other trees carrying them back using holes in the ground and covering back up the great garden was starting to be brilliant consider the approaching threat".

Pause to let the little trees reflect and feel the warm stone glowing presence.

"Children you may want to know the harm soil of darkness has on us it will not let us pass mystic energy so we won't be able to move or control ourselves that why Abyss moved with other, when the land become sapped Abyss was shock and cared about his family so those vessel gave his breathing purified energy,

he with held from using a vessel because his size was huge towering and he couldn't control such size,

but he met Heavenly Clouds and discovered the vessel had cloudy mass to shift aura to a refined state make thing small to their aura size"

Red Pedals tells all tree " we will claim back our land and take the soil with it the Abyss poem will purified our land, the vessels will be the catalyst to connect to mystic energy of nature"

These small trees wave happily for the reclaimed woods of old.