065. G-ranked officers

The next morning, the weather was quite sunny after continuous rain since the beginning of autumn.

Gu Jun, Cai Zixuan and the other nine interns gathered in a small meeting room in the training center again, after yesterday's S-value check, which was also a small psychological treatment, and after a half day and a night's rest, everyone was in much better spirits.

Still, Brother Qiang was in charge of them, Brother Qiang looked a lot better, yesterday they heard him say that his wife had gone on a business trip, less wife nagging in his ears, the reason why.

"These are your S-value test results sheets." Zhou Jiaqiang took a stack of documents and handed them out one by one, unlike personality test reports, S-values were allowed to be known to individuals, just as they could know when they needed to adjust if blood pressure was low.

The group sat in their chairs and took the documents before reading them, and Brother Qiang laughingly dramatized, "All through! Congratulations, everyone is normal."

The happy voices roused, and they all looked at the list and voiced their values.

Jiang Banxia, Ma Jiahua, Yang Ming, and Cheng Yi Feng were all 95, Zhou Yi was 97, and Cai Zixuan was an extremely high 99.

And the three who had been to the surgery building to help, Sun Yu Heng 92 and Wang Ruoxiang 90.

Zhou Jiaqiang smiled and let them talk, because the S-value belongs to personal privacy, it is ok for you to tell others. Of course, only these rookies will behave like this. After staying in the Bureau for a long time, they will naturally know that S-value is not a good topic of conversation, and there is a decree that prohibits talking about other people's S-value, unless the person in question takes the initiative to talk to you. He'd have to remind them of that later.

At this point, only Gu Jun's S-value was left, and everyone's eyes were curious, could it be as high as 100?

Gu Jun looked at the report, only to see the 75 written on the top, there are some data he did not understand the details of the test, he has not received the training of the S-value test.

Ms. Liang's comments on the list must not be complete, because she didn't even mention "abnormal memory," and all he could see were these lines: "The subject is under stress, and needs group psychotherapy every two weeks. It is also recommended arranging more recreational activities for the participant to expand his interpersonal relationships and build more emotional support."

Stressed out? I wish it were that simple.

"75. "Gu Jun raised the list in his hand, satisfying the crowd's gossip.

The meeting room went suddenly quiet and the laughter froze... low, the lowest one in the room, and it was a whole lot lower than everyone else.

Brother Qiang said that this time the entry examination low over 70 will not be enough, everyone did not even break 90, the most outstanding Gu Jun in all aspects all of a sudden is 75.

This kid's ideological baggage, it's heavy ah.

"Tycoon Jun." Cai Zixuan's emotional voice broke the silence, "What soup do you want to eat back to? I'll cook it for you."

"What kind of situation did you go through?" Wang Ruo Xiang then asked, "Did you run out of money?" She intended to tease him.

"No, it's all pretty much the same." Gu Jun smiled and shook his head, everyone's caring gazes were like sunshine, warming his heart. Sister Liang obviously knew that his feelings for his parents had broken down, and she wanted him to develop new relationships and emotions. Having these classmates, however, was good.

Suddenly, he thought of something, his heart pounded, was the Kalop Academy once as lively as it was right now....

"It's fine, Ah Jun is purely stressed." Zhou Jiaqiang didn't let everyone talk more, the organization had its own arrangements for Gu Jun, "You guys sign these contracts."

Brother Qiang handed them the contracts again, although it was a contract of convenience, he told them to read the terms and conditions carefully before signing.

In fact, when working for a national secret organization, is the contract really valid? But the crowd listened to Brother Qiang and quietly read it page by page.

Gu Jun looked especially carefully, and it really was set in very fine detail on the terms regarding death on the job, injury, insanity, etc., and read down to the point that it said, "The B team served the country, and it's sad that it's gotten so bad for the medical department of the Phecda Bureau, but you've been told that already." However, the compensation was very high....

After everyone had signed the contract, which was only in duplicate, and Zhou Jia Qiang had all taken it away, he immediately walked out of the conference room, seemingly to hand it over to the other personnel.

When Brother Qiang came back, the contract was gone, but he brought back their cell phones that had been taken away a month ago, as well as the brand-new work permits belonging to each of them.

"Alright, as of today, you're all regularized as G-ranked officers of the Phecda Bureau! With G-level personnel privileges. I've never told you guys officially, but the personnel levels in the Phecda are from A to G, and then intern. As for me, Brother Qiang, I'm an F-rank, one level higher than you guys."

Zhou Jiaqiang scratched his acne-covered face and sighed with a smile, "I've only been here for over a decade and only got to the F level, so don't you guys be like me."

There was a light chuckle in the conference room. At this time, whether it was the clinical team or the miscellaneous team, everyone harbored a sense of confidence and enthusiasm.

Such an atmosphere reminded Cai Zixuan of a poem, and he couldn't help but chant, "Just a young man in the prime of his life; a scholar in the prime of his life, wielding his might."

This made everyone's laughter even louder. Gu Jun's mood was also much more relaxed, what kind of group psychotherapy did he want? Just follow Zixuan and hang around.

After laughing, Zhou Jiaqiang made everyone listen carefully: "I'm going to introduce you to the structure of the Phecda Bureau, this is the last lesson I'll teach you. There will be an induction activity for new recruits from different departments, it's up to you whether you want to go or not, but I suggest you all go. Oh Ah Jun, you have to go to it, to relieve the pressure."

"Okay." Gu Jun nodded, it seemed that the recent situation had eased, otherwise how could there be time for their recreation.

But why, there was a hidden uneasiness in his heart, there was a reason why the Afterlife Club would become active again, right....

"Brother Qiang, I'm going." "Me too." They were all young people, who didn't like to have a good time, of course they had to go if there was such an event.

At this time, Zhou Jiaqiang turned on the large wall-mounted screen in the conference room and played some internal promotional videos, the impassioned soundtrack resounding all around.

Except for Gu Jun and Wang Ruoxiang, everyone was boiling with enthusiasm, although these propaganda films were all produced in a very localized manner, the country had always been weak in this regard, so let's just bear with them.

"There are more than thirty departments in the Phecda Bureau." Zhou Jiaqiang spoke as he controlled the remote control, "There is no distinction between the various departments in terms of status, we just have different responsibilities. Our Medical Department is one of the big departments, responsible for treating and saving people; the Accreditation Department, which you have also come in contact with, is in charge of all kinds of evaluation, testing, and verification."

Everyone listened attentively. Gu Jun even pricked up his two ears, he had wanted to know this information since the first day he came in, and now it was finally deciphered.

"The Accreditation Department is checked and balanced by our Medical Psychology Group and the Investigation Department, because those judges also need to be evaluated by someone. The Investigation Department, on the other hand, is also a large department."

Zhou Jiaqiang pressed a button on his hand, and the image changed on the big screen, showing some officers in black uniform, the men tough and the women heroic, looking like police officers. Sure enough, Brother Qiang said, "The Investigation Department is a police department with many different investigation teams, like the External Investigation Team, Internal Investigation Team, Abnormal Power Investigation Team...."

Abnormal Force Investigation Team? Gu Jun suddenly got intrigued, "abnormal power" what does it refer to?