069. Cleaning Up Parasites

When he saw the creature in the picture on the first page of the profile, Gu Jun's brow furrowed, it wasn't the same kind of monster.

None of the ones in the picture were humanoid creatures, but a super-giant earthworm-like thing, " Giant Subterranean Worm", the information was labeled with this name.

This worm could reach ten meters in length as an adult and about half a meter in width and height, making it a veritable giant worm. Its habits are similar to those of earthworms, usually lurking several meters below the ground, and it has the ability to burrow up and attack other animals, such as humans, at a very high speed.

The information does not contain much about the history and distribution of the giant subterranean worms, but what is highlighted above is the surgical treatment for patients who have been devoured by the worms.

Scanning through the pictures of the surgeries, Gu Jun felt a chill and a stomachache.

In addition to causing severe trauma, the attack of the Giant Subterranean Worm could also bring a large number of tiny parasitic larvae to the wound while it was devouring, and these larvae would rapidly grow in the wound and form a cyst. If left unremoved, they multiply more and more, and the patient eventually dies of multiple organ failure.

In one autopsy photo in the archive, the cysts and earthworm-like parasites look like they're trying to consume the entire corpse.

Someone with an intense phobia would have been screaming and throwing away the data by now.

Even if Gu Jun was a medical slave, he really didn't want to look at this photo a second time....

But the task of them, the doctors, is to hurry up and remove parasites from the patient's wounds before they can spread, and then treat the wounds routinely. It had to be made sure that it was a clean removal, and not even a single parasite could be left behind, because if there was just one, it would end up being a thousand more.

"Hoo... hoo." Over there, Li Hualong put the information down, his hands stroking his arms to each other, his skin all covered in goosebumps.

Gu Jun sort of understood why his fellow colleagues in the Operations Department with heavy firepower were wounded like that, it must have been an extremely brutal scene....

It's no wonder that the casualties I saw in the corridor were lying on special ambulance beds covered by glass, which is a sterile isolation. It was sterile isolation, which prevented the patients from getting infected by other germs, and prevented the others from getting infected by parasites.

The plank-bone monsters, the giant subterranean worms, the ghouls, the deep divers, and the giant carnivorous worms that appeared in the system's previous mission.....

I don't know how many "exotic creatures" there are in this world, but the Phicda's definition of "exotic creatures" is "Impossible to which category, species or family it should be classified,"

The system's definition seems to be the same, so human-faced hounds aren't considered exotic, and giant subterranean worms should be.

"Chief Surgeon, how is your experience in this area of surgery?" Gu Jun's question was both a concern for surgery and an attempt to encapsulate the fact that if he had more experience, it would mean that the Giant Subterranean Worm wasn't some rare and exotic species.

"Not much." Master Zhu's fat face was somewhat sunken, "I've only studied it in books before, and today is my first time doing it. But I have quite a bit of experience in surgery to take parasites. Let's take another look at the image data first, it's just been sent over from headquarters." Zeng Jianguo was likewise doing it for the first time as well.

This wasn't a situation that Gu Jun wanted to hear about, which meant that the abnormal forces that had been operating lately were really active in everything....

At that moment, everyone gathered around the front of the TV screen and watched the surgical images.

The operation was very difficult. The larvae were not all that obvious, and some of them had not yet formed cysts, but just microscopic dots that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, which could not be washed away by ordinary washing.

If the wound is a limb, and the condition is urgent, it can be directly amputated.

Due to this consideration, the supervisor gave their team a patient who was injured in the right upper limb, they would save the right hand if they could do it, and amputate it if they could not.

This is the only one of the 56 patients that they have been assigned, and they should operate on this patient properly.

This is salvage, time must be seized. They looked for a while after the video to understand, chief surgeon Zhu set to try to save limbs not on the amputation program, immediately go to the dressing disinfection, and then go to the operating room. In order to prevent infection of the patient's wounds, the operation room is sterile, with microscopes and screens and other equipment.

When the four of them walked into the operating room, as usual, the anesthesiologist was already sitting behind the anesthesia machine and staring at it, and the nurses were also ready.

And the patient is already lying on the operating bed, full anesthesia, quiet as a dead man, which is the only thing better than the different banyan disease surgery.

The rugged, strong man had been bloodless, and there wasn't a single good piece of flesh on his right upper limb from shoulder to palm, as if his hand had been plucked hard from the fang-filled mouth of a giant worm. Before the patient had been brought in on the way here, the medic had only done some simple stitching to stop the bleeding. Now they needed to open them all up and check the tissue inside for parasites.

As soon as this operation began, the chief surgeon Zhu, was sweating profusely and asked the circulating nurse to wipe his head again and again.

Zeng Jianguo put up a good effort for the twelve minutes, and Li Hualong always had a little nervous tremor.

Gu Jun also felt difficult, in fact, this time thanks to the "surgical career list" of system functions, his level of surgery progressed very quickly, but now there is still a feeling of helplessness, to remove those tiny cysts and larvae, it is not easy.

It's not easy to remove those tiny cysts and larvae, and looking at the layers of tissue filled with cysts...the S-value goes down again.

This surgery tested their patience and careful technique, as well as their physical and mental strength.

The surgery, which started at 10:32 a.m., was done until 23:45 p.m. They did the cleanup and removal while doing the suturing, and it took more than thirteen hours before they finally completed the surgery with astonishment, the patient's vital signs were stable, and the right hand was saved.

"Alright, alright." The chief surgeon Zhu let out a long breath and hurried to the resting stool to sit down. The old, Zeng Jianguo, was so relieved that he almost fell to the ground.

For the past thirteen hours, the four doctors had been just standing by the operating table without a minute's rest, at most stretching their arms and legs.

"Ah... " Li Huarong's voice was simply a groan as he sat down on the stool.

Gu Jun was so tired that his legs had also gone numb and weak, it really wasn't that he was weak, ten hours of standing would have made anyone tired. He also went to his own stool to sit down, mentally looked at the surgical career list, the results of this operation is a "success", his personal contribution of 23%, the second place.

Everyone took a short break in the operating room, and then came out into the corridor.

A nurse brought a few 500ml bottles of ice-cold Coke, four people pulled off the mask, each took a bottle, and all of them downed a quick drink.

There was nothing more satisfying than coming out of surgery and having a bottle of Coke, not in a can, it had to be 500ml to be enjoyable.

"This surgery, Ah Jun contributed a lot!" The Chief Surgeon Zhu raised the Coke bottle in praise, "Give him a round of applause."

Everyone smiled and clapped their hands a few times, indeed, this time, Gu Jun did even more work than First Aid.

Gu Jun raised the Coke bottle in return to them, the result of such a surgery was most pleasing, and the thirteen hours of hard work was completely worth it.

At that moment, another nurse came in to report, "Master Zhu, there's someone from the Investigation Department who's been waiting in the anteroom for a few hours, looking for Ah Jun."

Gu Jun was startled at the news, but was already prepared, and it could be said that he had been waiting for this day to arrive recently....

"What?" The Chief Surgeon Zhu and the others, however, were confused. Now, everyone quickly walked to the front hall, only to see a group of three investigation team members sitting on waiting chairs, two men and one woman, all wearing black investigation team uniforms.

As soon as they saw them approaching, all three of them got up and stared at Gu Jun, and the country-faced man at the head of the group stepped forward and said, "Hello, guys. Hello, Doctor Gu. I'm the detachment leader of the Investigation Department's Abnormal Force Investigation Team, Wang Ke, and there are some circumstances that require you to come with us."

"What is it, what is the situation?" Zhu Ruiwen was really a bit dissatisfied, "Gu Jun is my second assistant! It's only been ten hours of surgery, it's almost midnight, you guys should let him sleep first in any circumstance!" Zeng Jianguo also voiced his support, "Are you guys trying to kill him?"

"Doctors, our investigation is confidential." Wang Ke solemnly said, "Forgive me for not being able to elaborate, but Dr. Gu can rest in the car."

"It's fine, Chief Surgeon Zhu, Zeng Jianguo, it's alright!" Gu Jun persuaded the flustered Master Zhu and the others, his heart grateful for the kindness, but he knew better, "We're all just doing our jobs, Captain Wang, I'll go with you, but I need to rinse and change first."

"Sure." Wang Ke nodded and followed Gu Jun to the rinse and sanitize room and the locker room in a circle, always following like he was spying on a prisoner.

Then, the crowd watched as Gu Jun was taken away by the three investigators....

Zhu Ruiwen was busy calling Team Leader Qiu with his cell phone to inquire about the situation, but the voice that came out of Team Leader Qiu's cell phone was also quite depressing, "All because... ugh. Anyway, the investigation team is now suspecting some very ridiculous things, so let them make a scene, they should send the person back in two days."

What kind of things? Zhu Ruiwen knew he shouldn't ask, so he didn't, but his mind was really wondering, it had only been ten hours of surgery and he'd just finished saving someone!

He was taken away by the investigators! It was also as if they were holding prisoners.

Whether it was Zeng Jianguo, Li Hualong, or the nurses, the crowd was outraged.