THURSDAY - AUGUST 6, 2020 ( 5:30 PM )


"Who will you choose Calesie?" Clara asked again,

"How about we vote? Don't put Calesie on a hard position, All of the boys are deserving for the role you know, " Sheena said she is the SSG OFFICER of the LEION UNIVERSITY,

"Yeah, Yeah, " I agreed, Thank you, Sheena, you save my life,

"Then if Calesie can't choose then we will have to vote then, " Deyro said,

"Who will want to vote for Aldrin to be the Prince?" Deyro asked but no one raised their hands, same for Kio's turn, Artreus, Nelson but when it's Deyro's turn Clara raised her hand, Does that mean?

"Who will want to vote for Clios?" Deyro asked and, Flora, Sabrina, Emily, and Sheena raised there hands, Are they kidding me? from what I did last night the most person I am embarrassed to face is him because of what I have asked him last night, The question Do you like me? I asked that to Clios,