The Open Gates (XXV, XXVI)


And then they had come into a stop, where sweat was like waterfall all over their bodies. They were lying on Amy's bed, one breathing heavily and the other, too, but heavier. They were lying supine.

Amy caught his breath, and leaned towards Micael's naked body. They never really minded the sweat dripping out from their glands, and who would, anyhow? "Thank you, for your time," she said, while her body leaned towards Micael's and her right hand was onto his chest, caressing it. "You're fortunate I like you, Amy," he replied. They both looked at each other, and then smiled. One would never forget how that night went. The party, the liquor, and of course the party of their own. Micael looked at the clock, and it was around eleven past twelve.

We really did make it for like hours, huh? I cannot really tell anything at all, for I know is that she's fantastic and good, mind-wise and body-wise.

But he had never told Amy that time, for he knew she would be shocked and astonished by the fact that they were doing such thing for long. Amy reached onto the window's railings, and got herself a pre-rolled tobacco. "I thought you are not smoking?" Micael replied with quite a smile, and the gap of his lips quite explained it. "Said who? The only one who quitted was you, not me," she winced.

"So, what about us, after this?"

"What do you mean what about us? Isn't it usual?"

"The only thing to find out is to try again, Amy," he said. He snatched the tobacco from Amy's fingers and put it beside the lampshade on his left. The wind from the window had hit their bodies, which is cold. No one had ever decided to really put their clothes back on nor got themselves a blanket to envelope themselves of, but the night and the wind of which had them currently and incessantly being enveloped of. They could hear the cheers and the murmurs of the people above, but they were not bothered by an inch.

The waves were still hitting the keel of the ship with quite the splash, and they were still not buggered either. Micael reached again into Amy's bosom, touched it gracefully and played with it, and Amy replied: "I kind of liking this, and its whereabouts, Micael." "You sure do," he replied with a smile, before hitting Amy's lips with his, as if they both forgot everything: The trip, the people above and even Jack. He was as though deeply forgotten, but he knew he would have Micael's time, eventually.

"This is quite of a shitshow to watch from afar, but who cares anyhow? Sooner or later, I will be touring you around the open gates, where of which we have met and where we have left each other," said Jack, who was watching from the very beginning from a nearby stone which looked like afloat above the ocean. All he could do was to sit, and wait for Micael to finally remember him. Was he watching a comeuppance for him? He never really thought it was, or it would be one, for all he knew was that Micael was happy, and so was he.

He continued watching the two on their such tango, where Micael was kind of doing all the graceful dancing while Amy was sitting and looking into the ceiling with her eyes half open, which was odd for such a dance. "What's with their world, Jack? It's so different than the open gates," the child sadly uttered beside him, while getting his feet up to the ground and standing up. "Oh, my boy. Their world is as fluid as water and as corrupted as burnt leaves. It's the fate who does the talking upon their lives while their mere actions are just illusory. On ours, however, everything is irrelevant, and only our own holistic being is the it's seed, which caused our world to be as simple as clothes but much more complex than their thoughts about parallel universes. You will see, my boy, that your world in ours is so much different than mine, and I cannot hold myself on seeing the open gates change once more for Aleck, for his homecoming and his becoming.

"Will its metamorphosis help us?"

"I cannot guarantee the answer, my boy, but I can guarantee that the upcoming spontaneous change of the open gates will be able to reach into Micael's mind, and soon after, everything will unfold on both the open gates and his apparent world, and so does he."


"Wake up, my child. Wake up, for you need not to realize what's around you but to see."

"Wake up, Aleck… Micael? Wake up! … I am just going to… Wake up!"

There were voices, of which Micael could hear right before waking up. He could not tell the source of the voices, locate them, or even name who were uttering, for the only thing that he could remember was Amy's body. Its touch, taste, smell, and what he had heard. That time, it was ghost-quiet, and only Amy's voice was be able to be heard. It was high-pitched, and Micael could feel her voice down to his very crotch, while his body was oscillating around a certain axis. Faster, faster! were the words he could remember, or maybe the only words that she uttered. "Remember. Number EIGHTEEN," and then he went awoke vigorously.

He was shocked by the circumstance that he inside his room, but still butt-naked. His eyes wide open, his upper body almost perpendicular to the bed, while his lower body was still covered by his blanket. He could feel the sweat dripping on his back, as maybe of something caused by the glugs he had taken, and he saw his father near the doorway, his eyes open, too, but it was pointed into Micael's like guns without the ever need or feeling to cease. He kept on looking with his forehead curled like fabrics which left in days.

What's inside my father's head? I myself do not really know. Maybe he knew that me and Amy had sex last a night? I do not know. But if he does, I want words to come out off of his lips, if he does have the pair.

His father suddenly laughed and uttered, while grunting happily and making fun of him: "You looked like scared, Micael. Get yourselves dressed and let's talk to the captain. He said he has a lot of things to tell us." The very voice of his father gave Micael enough rope to breathe, of which he immediately did, but not apparent. "Hearsays?" he asked conversationally, and Micael's sweat followed down.
