New Horizons (XXXVI)

And Richard talked softly behind his lips.

"From the look of your eyes, my dear, you're one helluva musician for me with the greatest of relative pitch, I must say. But behind your eyes rested a best of you, and that's something we would like to see as you traverse your life from our school, I'm sure Aedri would be so nice of you. Anyhow, I am Richard. Richard Madison. I'm the owner of the school and I also wanted to meet you personally as you were Jacob's mouthful from the very first of September, my boy. And I am hoping to see unto the patisserie inside the premises. Cheers to you," and he gadly grabbed a bottle of water right beside one of his hands, and soon enough Micael did the same, and then they dinked their glasses one against the other, and the glass sound coming from the very collision had been heard all throughout the hall, and soon Jacob uttered with a smile from his face.

"Hmm, seems like it was something very affirmative, right, Micael? And all's to be waited is your answer and I, too, wonder what would that important dally be," he followed as his smiles had started to recede back to himself, and Micael followed a look from the side of his cheeks and soon enough his eyes were into Jacob's and he answered quite gently with his very calm of a voice and the smile reaching the bottom of his cheeks, and his chin had the jib to talk, and so did he: "That's quite the opportunity being presented unto me. What's not to love and what's not to look forward into, Mr. Jacob. I am even quite lucky to be able to study on such school. I mean, I must've waited for another semester but given the chance to start now, I will not waste any of my chances," said Micael with his motivated voice coming from his chest behind the gray suit and the dark gray vest he was into wearing, and fixed them with one of his hand and held a glass of cold water with the other, and he drank sophisticatedly. The silent then followed Micael's voices, and it echoed very diminishingly right cross the four walls of the hall and the ceiling right above where light sources were hanging, and he looked at the stairs right at Jacob's back where the rooms of heirs would be upstairs and the waitre-sses started to walk one by one towards their place, with quite dishes right above the trays they were holding and they were walking very carefully, watching every step they would be taking as tripping right in front of their lovely guests would be sending them abashed, especially in front of their owner.

"Who's Aedri, by the by?" Micael followed with his curious voice as he looked at the waitresses bringing their foods, one after another and Micael replied with all he had known of, and he did with the slightest of his voice as one waitress passed by his back and place the food right beside his left hand. "She is a very nice student of ours, Micael. Though she's already on her senior year, both of you will truly get along each other," "And that's a fact!" David followed with his shouting voice which shocked one waitress and almost tripped right behind him, and he was way more than glad that the waitress ha stood up very straight with her heels and continue walking and putting down the fine foods carefully above their table.

"Going back, uh, sir Richard. So, I will be going to school even though I'm late and all?" Micael asked once more as his eyes were looking at the mouth-watering foods he could see right in front of his very eyes and most of them were very unfamiliar, looks-wise and smell-wise, and he was hearing every hit of the plates into the wooden table, each and every one of them, one after another and Richard had uttered his reply quite quickly with his very toned voiced and soon it bounced right inside Micael's ears:

"Ah, yes, Micael. Our school will be giving you a chance to study now like nothing ever really happened. Your father told me that you are one helluva musician so that would be something, right?" and laughed in the latter and Jacob moved his seat backwards of his and stood up straight with both of his hands resting onto the table, and followed with a voice coming from his lips:

"To our future endeavors, especially Micael's and the Pratt family's very happenings inside Southwark, may we all seek it through," he shouted from the very top of his lungs as the waitresses started to place champagne-filled glasses right in front of every one's plates, one after another, and soon they all stood up with one of their hands holding the glass and the other at their comfortable places, and soon the glasses went upon their nipple lines and Jacob followed words right after it. "Tonight, will be a toast, and tomorrow will be extravagant!" and dinks followed each of their glass as their toast with everyone on the room.

From Micael to Rebecca to Jacob to David and to whatsit over and over and over again, and the night continued as they found their comfortable seats right after they stood up for a mere ten seconds of toasting and laughing towards one another about their future plans and endeavors upon their lives, especially Micael who was lucky wand thankful that he was given the chance to study immediately as the year was going in full circles, and as he found himself sitting, he asked Jacob carefully: "Are we onto eating right at this very moment?"

"Yes, my boy. Find yourself comfortable," Jacob replied, and Micael wasted no time on reaching into foods on his own as his eyes had redirected by his nose and the night for the Pratt family, Jacob Attaway and the three sooner teachers and second-handed parents of Micael had their night as they got themselves their food to eat. The moon kept on waning and watching them, as if it had eyes, and the night gracefully went on.
