New Horizons (XXXIX, XL)


AND the voice from his mind's behind followed softly; his eyes curled crumpling-ly and the voice reached the reaches of his damned ears as he wished he was deaf but he wasn't.

"Have you ever felt light, my child?" The voice then responded unto Micael's head, and he threw the unworn vest right above the jacket rack and then went on to turn his head towards his back, and there, one man in a black torn cape had started to show up, again, and beyond his purple-glowing eyes, Micael was shocked, but felt missed as he could not forget the fact that somehow, he had missed Jack.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be waiting for me?"

Micael replied as he tried to find his attention conjured into another object, and so grabbed a pot right above the desk beside the front door and touched it with his bare palms. He could feel the rough texture of the hardened clay kissing the sense of his palms, and then Jack started to talked with his stomach and his waist not wrapped by a holster; he seemed to be weaponle-ss and looked careless, and so did Micael with his messy dress shirt adorning up to the very sides of his body, and their night continued with the reply from Jack.

"I am waiting, the way to eighteen was just near Southwark, Aleck. And there you would never need to find yourself sleeping and walking and waiting for me to kill you with absolution right underneath my skull," jack said the voice right coming from the attached skull mask afront of his decaying flesh, and soon he described the moon.

"Have you ever seen a moon with eyes, Aleck? I bet you haven't, and you will see one, eventually, as your body reach the temptations of the open gates, you will see how tempted I was into looking unto it very carefully and diminishingly, but it will be worth it neverthe-"

"You shouldn't be here, I am about to sleep," Micael followed as he tried to clench his fist right unto the pot it would not break, and his eyes furiously looking into Jack's (thought he could not really tell if he had eyes, but the rotting flesh right underneath his mask could tell that he had) and followed another premise coming from his think-abouts and his hands went astray from his mouth at the moment, and sooner tears came passing by his mouth like saliva, drooling down to this very spine.

"You shouldn't be here, Jack. You sh-"

"Because I am dead?" Jack interrupted Micael with his words and asked him a little, then a little more until Micael could utter no more. He could not think nor talk upon his very own, and soon he did but with his ears churning together with his stomach, and he felt deaf of the deafening silence which had ensued after Jack's words.

"You do not get to decide onto what I think!" Micael shouted atop of his lungs and then threw the empty pot towards Jack forcibly and abruptly, using all the force he could use with his sleepy arms, and he forgotten how Jack would behave in spite of his disability, and soon the pot went through his body, and but the dust of the black night had only went through his eyes, and the figure of Jack quickly disintegrated into dust as his voices went on to talked within the walls of the very inn room, and from there he turned into dust and disappeared indefinitely.

"I do not get to decide what you think, but I have to. For eighteen is what will lie beyond us, Aleck. See you," and the voice as well disappeared, and what followed next was a thud coming from the wooden wall of the room, and the pot started to break apart onto its own, and he sighed from his windpipe and talked once more as he tried to realize that it might be just another nightdream he could not think of, and he heard himself: "What's with the show, Jack?"

And he sat on above the knitted chair right beside of the door, and his eyes started to follow his seat, let alone starting to sleep. His legs then relaxed above their own and his wounded ole had started to feel no more. With wore boots he went on into dreaming above the endeavors he would be at in the very future, and soon his eyes had started to faint like a dying lantern, let alone a star gasping for gas, and soon he slept with his back resting at the backrest of the chair and his hands lying loosely above the air, and so did his thoughts, and his body went relaxed and so did he.


And his thoughts fell right underneath the seat of the knitted chair he had decided to sleep upon, as his eyes could open no more as well as his feet; he felt caged and tired and all, but there was something much more than just being tired. His eyes were moving fast right beneath his eyelids kissing his eyelashes upon one another, and his tiredness never told him to stop, and his mind went flying into somewhere he knew he had never been, and there he started dreaming consciously with his numb feet.

The wound numb-er.

His eyes were closed but he could feel it that it was colder than he thought it would as he slept with sweat dripping down to the collar of his dress shirt, and soon a quiet voice whispered right beside his lips, and there he could hear the sweet delirium seeping out from both of his mind and his pounding heart, and soon he had found it was different, and his eyes opened as the words started to unfold right before his weary eyes.

Eighteen is what will lie beyond us, Aleck. We should go on.

The voice had talked and his eyes went wide open, but there was no one before him. Before his eyes was a deep lake which was enveloped by solemn trees bowing into each other. The lake was deep that it seemed to be black in color; he could not see anything underneath the lake's surface, and there his feet had started to un-numb itself as he stood up from a crooked chair he was sitting. It was hurting his back and his butt which found themselves bumping against the broken twigs lying upon the rest of the chair, and he stood up and went straight on it.

Micael's back felt strange as he stood up, and it was tingling, but he never winced a little and continued on standing up as he held his hands tight on the armrests of the chair, and it felt withered and soft but it was sturdy enough to hold his weight, of which it did, and soon after, his back straightened and his body was balanced right in the middle of his spine, and there he looked upon as he let go of the chair's armrests with his hands and his eyes soon started to wander around to look upon his whereabouts, let alone the voice' twenty.
