New Horizons (XLIV, XLV)


Have you ever seen a moon with eyes, Aleck? I bet you haven't, and you will see one, eventually, as your body reach the temptations of the open gates, you will see how tempted I was into looking unto it very carefully and diminishingly, but it will be worth it nevertheless.

His eyes ere stuck at the moons, examining it. It was very absurd of a being to distinguish a moon with eyes , let alone strange by itself, and so he never bothered and his eyes went outside the sides of the pink waning moon shouting whistles as the winds hit his face with glee, and his back started facing the moon and the dusky lake once more, and he continued walking.

"Wait!" he shouted towards the dead bushes, hoping that his voice would reach the beyond, and sooner the man in white's ears right in the sides of the grey bunny mask, and her walked.

His right foot first, and then his left, and the other and the other until he could step right in front of the bushes no more, and he started to stretch his hands and sway the prickly leaves of the dead bushes about the height of his, and sooner he did.

His hands went afront of his face and then he started swaying in to the sides of his body, grabbing all the bushed he could grab and setting them aside. Some of the leaves hit his face, and he could feel the tingling senses of the leaves but he managed to continue with the littlest of difficulties. His hands were swaying, and his legs were kicking, but there was a myriad of bushes right in front of him.

There was a number of bushes of which he could not count with his weary eyes alone as the winds of the frozen moon's whistle started to catch his breath, and his eyes started to grab fog right underneath their lenses, but he continued. He continued on swaying the bushes, one after another, while ignoring the scratches and the sweet caresses of the bushes' hands right above the skin of his arms, and he never felt tired.

He kept on continuing, thinking that he would need to continue no more, and there the elegant swaying of his arms and the periodic kicking of his feet went on. He could not think of thinking something else but the man in white, who seemed to be watching from afar, or shapeshifted back in a raccoon quietly, but he winced and continued, hoping for the very best of light shining through the bushes' dead leaves, and there was.


And then a color of dingy white then crossed the very eyes of his face, and then he knew the last bush was ahead of him, and there he swayed abruptly. There were rustles. A mere lot of them, and beyond him, there were bushes no more, and it was a man in white standing right aside of the cliff, and he shouted: "What's this?" which echoed around the vast plains of what he thought was something very non-existent, and he walked carefully towards the whereabouts of the man in white, and he stepped at the rocky terrain of which the man in white may had walked past, and he followed.

With every step Micael was taking, he could feel the breeze of the winds hitting his forehead and messing his hair a lot more turbulently, but he never bothered and continued on walking.

Every movement of his feet was also the smallest rumbling of pebbles of the ground below his soles, falling right at the very side of the cliff with a mere one a half feet right at the left of his left foot, and he continued without thinking of falling and killing himself, which would make him awoke, but he then thought of the cut on his right sole, and the he sought a much concrete thinking and took the walking very seriously, one step after another, and he could remember of Jack, as if he wished to be killed again ang again as he became to be tired of thinking about dying, but then he went past on the very narrow path of the side of the cliff and started to walk normally without the littlest thinking of falling down at the very bottom, very a myriad of dead trees with spike like branches looking upon his body's arrival above, and kissing through his flesh soon after.

And with enough walking, he reached the man in white's behind, and there he knew it was the child who had danced with a broken doll right inside the halls where he was playing, alongside Jack, and he continued. With less than twenty steps, he reached the beside of the man in white, and he started to talk as he tried to reach his eyes into the scenery right afront: "What's with this place?" he asked willingly, and the man in white willingly answered without turning his head towards Micael but only his voice.

"Look," and he looked at the scenery which was covered with black all along the horizon, and there were trees.

The same trees he was very familiar of but he could not tell any, let alone remember, and along the trees' feet was dingy swamp, and from his eyes, they appeared to just be the same color as the lumpy soil, and so he asked as a tall figure, that of tower, was seen by his eyes as they ran across the myriad of crooked trees loitering around the muddy, dingy swamps.

"What's with? I really cannot remember a pinch of these things," Micael replied with frustration right beneath his voices, and his eyes reached the tower-like figure. He could not determine its color, but he knew it was grey and something which the man in white was describing atop of his thoughts: remarkable, and so he looked upon it. He could see light, and beyond the light, there was nothing he could see. It was tall. Taller than the black skies which Micael thought to be dark and lumpy clouds, and as the tower was fading as the height kept on ascending, the light never did.

It was dull, yet lighted enough to be noticed out in the open black skies, and there he started to remember. The trip, the three, and especially, the tripping, and he felt the quite sting of his wounded sole, and sooner, his quite realizations followed. The light was elegant as the lantern's but it was wicked and astonishing as thunder, but he kept on looking, and he was curious but never curious enough to given the slightest of answers for the questions running ferociously inside his head, and upon the journey of his eyes followed the words of the man in white. His bunny-masked face started to turn towards Micael's, and there he talked like a loud whimper right underneath the voice of his flesh and Micael winced and turned his head as well, forgetting the fact that the very nature of the irrelevant world's identity had started to unfold, strand by strand.

"That rising you see? It's the way between your world and ours, Aleck. And soon, you will find out why it's meant to be that way as Jack has said: 'Have you seen a moon with eyes?' and he betted you haven't, but you will, eventually," the man in white followed, and Micael started to be curious much more.
