New Horizons (XLIX, L)


And Micael talked conversationally.

"What are you doing, mother?" his voice sounded like muffle, but his mother never bothered and replied back with her voice quite shouting right afront of her head. "What's with throwing the pot, dear? Get up! You're going to be late for school," his mother replied and he quickly got up with his feet and with unbuttoned shirt he went on straight above the wooden floor.

He wiped his eyes repeatedly as he was thinking about his very wounded sole and it seemed to be healed, as if it was never been lacerated at all, and he could stand right straight above his knees down to the sides of his heels, and he proceeded into taking a shower right inside the room's bathroom while talking gibberish with his mother, of which she never budged an inch and never bothered into talking and continued on sweeping the very sides of his room where the bits the pot's pieces had rested as long as he did, and he walked towards the bathroom at the side of the inn room's mirror a mere foot beside the very room's door, and he wore his dress shirt off and put it right above the laundry bin of which had been provided by Jacob's aides and then inside the bathroom he quickly went, as being late at his very first day of late school would be something very unacceptable, at least to Richard.

And Micael wasted no time into taking the bathroom all by himself, and he held the knob of the wooden door with all the face of his palm touching its very circumference neatly, and there he twisted the knob and the door went upon as he pushed the side of the door, and he replied to his mother with his utter voice, and this time, it was very awake and breathing like how the man in white described his very body: Morning dew.

"Mind if I take my time, mother?" His voice had been heard with a quite laugh at the very latter of his speech, and his mother quickly replied as he was to go past the bathroom's doorway as his mother was cleaning the mess he did make just before Jack's disappearance, let alone right after he said something very of defamation, but he never bothered of thinking about Jack, and his mother's words were only heard and went past through his ears, as if she had never told words, and the door of the inn room's very bathroom went closed as Micael reached the insides of it, and there, he found inner peace.


And then beyond the white bathroom door of the inn's room came Micael out after the fastest time he could make himself clean, and with towel wrapped around his waist, he saw his mother had just finished sweeping the side of his bed, and there she walked from the side of the room, the corner of which the grey-looking bin was loitering the very first time his eyes went past the bin's whereabouts, and his thoughts thought the same, too. It was the very same position and color, and only the shattered pot's pieces were the only thing different from the last.

"That's quick of a bathe, my dear," his mother followed as she was to tilt the pan of which she swept the pieces onto, and she did as her back was tilting afront of his feet, and with her other hand holding the broom tight and the head of which she used to sweep was resting gracefully above the wooden floor, and the shattered pot's pieces soon fell above the lining of the bin.

The grey bin was made of steel that had already been kissing the breeze of the air, and orange colors followed into the scene, and the next was rust. The mouth of the bin was covered with wooden accents, and with Micael's eyes right afront of his face, he then thought it was plastic, but then the pieces fell right beyond the edge of the pan, and sounds followed.

The falling of the pieces then sang gently right beside Micael and his mother's ears, and it was very similar to those of rustling leaves. The clang hit one after another, and its voices were simultaneously hitting the very foot off the bin, and the voice of Micael's mother followed as she looked at the empty pan and then put it right below his waist with his arms stretched straight: "I think I must go outside, my dear. The omnibus is waiting outside, by the by. Should you find yourself ready, do see us outside, okay?" and his mother then placed the broom beside the steel bin which rendered quiet, and then the pan followed, following a sonorous thud of which Micael had barely heard of, and the breeze coming from the room's windows touched his face, carefully caressing his cheeks until he had the chance onto talking and his lips together apart, and as he started to talk, the knob then followed a twist after the flock of his mother's hand holding it with grip, and the door then swung open towards the inside of the room, and Micael's voice followed.

"Where's my clothes?" he asked his mother as his eyes tried to look around the room, of which there he only realized how quite of a beauty it was. Beyond the room's door was the very conventional jacket rack that was bolted tight against the wall, and under it was an empty shoe rack where he expected to at least one of his shoes to be worn onto school, and at the very right of the racks was a mirror wider than his span and half of his height as he could see himself from the top of his head down to his tummy button.

There, he could see himself top-naked from his quite wet hair resting above his head and forehead, his wandering brown eyes below his strike-y eyebrows and the cheeks kissing the side of his face, and his eyes followed the track of his head until he could see straight from his eyes the track of his clavicle, and he thought he was sexy, and that Aedri may act much more than Amy, and he felt the extreme excitement hidden right beneath the side of his lungs and the bottom of his spine, and he continued looking at the mirror. Down his collarbone, he could see his chest with droplets of shower waters raising down the sides of his nipples, and his quite tummy looking at his face with its button, and at the side of his tummy hole shined into such extent that caught his extension, and it seemed like some wearing, of which his mother immediately followed as her body went past the doorway of the inn's door: "The clothes are lying above the bed, my dear. Find yourself comfortable and see me and your father outside. After school, you may find yourself home as quick as possible because me, you, and your father will be going to smash a quite looking piñata right in front of our new house. How does it sound?" "I do not really know, mother, but I sound happy," Micael followed as he kept on looing afront of the window where he was looking at clothes he would be wearing as inside the premises of the school , and he turned slowly about his body and his towel never moved, and the wrap kept around his waist, as if the towel looked and felt so afraid into falling and showing his groin right afront of his mother, and then the door went shut as his eyes went on to the above of the neatly-fixed wooden bed with orange sheet enveloping the mattress above the frame and white pillow cases hugging the pillows right above of which his head used to rest upon.
