New Horizons (LIII, LIV)


And Micael moved his lips synchronised to the movement of his lungs; and soon, he talked.

"She does look good," he whispered unto himself as he started to take the down-wise stairs with his right hand holding into the handle on the sides, as ripping himself the best of his outfit unto school would never be the greatest idea.

Amelie, Huh?

More like Amelia, at least. However astonishing, the name was spelt vowel-wise differently. And Amy will still be someone worthwhile to be stunned of. It kept on resonating inside his head, and he could see an omnibus waiting aside of the streets outside. He was hungry, but he knew he was late, and he quickly went on.

He went past to tke cooks and the hall of which they had eaten as he reached the bottom of the stairs, and beneath the chandeliers, he looked nice and in a hurry. At that time, the cooks were already busy preparing some breakfasts for the inn-ers, including him and the rest of the Pratt family, but he never bothered into thinking and went past them.

"Wait, sir Pratt! Your food-" said one of the waiters of which was waiting for him to traverse downstairs, and Micael slowed down his walking and talked for the slightest of time: "I am sorry. I am late for school today. Please do tell Mister Jacob that I enjoyed a lot, and another visit would be very pleasant for the both of us," he uttered as he was pointing his right hand into the waiter, and then he quickly moved outside the hall, and outside the inn.

He could smell the taste of the food being delivered without recognizing which was which, and he felt hungry. He continued walking with his left hand holding the case tight about his fingers, and then he went past the last doorway separating the inn from the yellow sunlight's smiles, and there he saw the omnibus he knew was waiting for him, and he wasting no time into approaching the bus, and the bus was waiting for him.

Micael quickly went on into riding the omnibus with only him inside, and all he could do inside was to take a rest and wait for the omnibus to reach the school, and wait for the green omnibus to go back to his school and send him home, as what he hoped. "Are we going, Micael? Your parents went on first. Looked like you took your moment inside the inn, huh?" the chauffeur uttered nicely, as Micael's mother had reminded him of the time of which Micael must arrive on his school, and then proceeded.

"I did really take my time, especially when someone afront of the room's pretty as cake. Anyhow, Mr. Barnes, We must be late now," Micael followed, and the horse started to walk and forward the green little omnibus went, and it was peaceful inside. There were water bottles, and sandwich of which may be prepared by his mother. He was at peace, especially when he kept on thinking about the Morning Dew. The very picture he couldn't live without, and he found himself a relaxed seat in order for him to take a nap, as the atmosphere right inside the bus was suitable, and so his eyes went closed, and sooner his thoughts. He could think of Amelie's curves no more, and there, he slept peacefully underneath his dress, and the chauffeur kept on driving.


He was fast asleep, but his thoughts, and there, Micael roamed about it, and there was one which caught him. It was not the Morning Dew but the way the man in white, the child, had let him breathe alive. He was confused and frazzled by the second he was thinking about it. Jack would do everything to keep him breathing, and even to kill him was the best option yet the man in white never did. The child had only asked him to close his eyes and relaxed, and there, he was breathing once more. He was very confused about the different happenstance, then he thought of the open gates.

The gates of the irrelevant world of which he had never seen, but he was curious enough, and if the loss of breath would be the cost into seeing the open gates and going past through it, and Micael thought it would be worth it, but nothing had shown right before his thinking, and his thoughts were blown away into mere seconds.

He was curious, but his mind had rested well enough into reality, and thinking about something very unlikely would be much more of a waste of time, and so he never bothered. Investing was expensive, and his thoughts much more. But he continued into making his rest worthwhile, but with his mind taking account of the clock, he knew it was just a mere fifteen minutes of wandering around the black space of his thoughts, and with his feet walking astray below his knees, he couldn't find any. He was lost, but he kept abide of his time, and he knew he was walking slowly for less than half an hour.

And sooner, he thought of the man in torn cape as he proceeded into locking his eyes into a dark wicked space he never knew what was behind, and it was Jack. He thought of his words, his thinking, and the time beyond the apparent world.

Irrelevance. And he thought of it once more as he stopped walking slowly with the greatest of his feet, and then went on into waking himself up amidst the coldness he was feeling until the dress shirt he wore weary gently, and the curled fabric then embraced his being, and soon, and his eyes went open at the very same time he heard the chauffeur something from beyond the dark clouds, and he knew there was something, but bothering into thinking would never be an option, and so he continued.
