New Horizons (LIX, LX)


But it was his crotch that was hit, and he never bothered to reply back but a pardon: "I am sorry, miss. I am quite clumsy today," and soon, William had followed a smirk and then uttered as he heard of Micael's words; his accent, and Micael continued on stepping slowly.

"Your accent, Mr. Pratt. Seems something very deadly."

"I am one, Mr. Harrison. No need to think of any," and Micael laughed as he reached his seat and found himself very comfortable above the butt rest. Then he placed his black leather attaché case above the armrest stuck onto his designated chair and then he sat quite aback.

His butt cheeks were sitting just nicely, and he would never feel the numbness when he would finally decide to stand above the heels of his black dress shoes. His right arm was resting above the arm rest and his left hand reaching inside of his pockets, and then he reached nothing. He then wore his hands off one of his pockets, and then reached into his hair, ought to fix it as William was talking into his own, forgetting someone as his face seemed to be confused; his forehead seemed to crumble like paper inside one's water-hungry hands.

"Where are we?" William uttered as he touched his forehead with his gloved right fingers and then scratched it very lightly, and the bulb inside his had suddenly went on accidently: "Ah, yes! Do you mind repeating your very greeting, Ms. Adams? I am sure that one among us is very excited into knowing you and meeting you very well," he followed as he smiled to the girl, and the girl immediately started as he noticed William was done talking; she did.

The girl then tried to put his hands still beside of her waist's two ends; she seemed to be weary and anxious, but Micael had never bothered into looking, and he kept on. He could see the uniform of Aedri: the very same as his. Dark blue dress shirt with eagle-inscribed circular wreath and black trousers enveloping her quite legs.

From Micael's mind, all he could see was the curve being shown right under Aedri's shirt and pants, but he never bothered.

'This is not quite good' were the words circling around his head as his eyes started to look at Aedri from her tail up to her nose, and the face, of all reasons, was something very catchy about his thinking (liking).

Aedri had slightly curled blonde hair and with strike-y light blue eyes, she could look at Micael with mere ease, but she didn't. She seemed shy.

'With me, she went ashy, hmm?' he whispered himself very softly, and by the time his lips started to move, so did Aedri's.

Aedri looked very pretty from Micael's seat, a mere five seats in distance, because of a lot of reasons, and Micael meant it. He could feel the smoothness of Aedri's skin, and touching it was simply just touching butter in room temperature. Those of which a mere touch of someone would melt it right away. His diamond-shaped face was no escape, too, and her jaw started to move with her lips, and soon, Micael utterly listened with his ears.

"By the by, I am Aedri. Aedri Adams. I live in the Borough of Southwark right across the Helion street at the west end with my parents, and, I am twenty-one! Been long enough since I finally found something which will mean a lot to me, and this is it," her voice seemed like knife which could cut through Micael's, and dying would be a very remarkable option thatatime, and so he kept his eyes open as Aedri seemed dancing as she was talking.

She was swaying gracefully, like how trees would under the strongest storms one could ever imagine taking read of, and so his senses were open like sliced cake and his thoughts stuck into Aedri's, as his decision may be the very best, and the very last, he had done for himself.


And the day of them both had come to a halt just after their introduction, where William had rushed to let them all know right after, and Micael and Aedri followed his shadow right outside of the music room, and they were a-bout forty minutes away from dismissal; they were early.

"How was it?" William followed his voice right before his lips and under his well-combed mustache which had adorned his face, making it much more manly than his blue eyes, and Micael quickly followed with his throat.

"Great, I must say, sir. Couldn't be happier for the littlest of chances you've given me." "And the time, too," Aedri followed with her dancing voice, and Micael's sto-mach then followed, and William quickly replied, at last.

"I shall leave you two, then. Maybe some small talk?" he quickly followed, and then he walked away with the sound of his heels approaching the very corner of the hall, and there, Micael and Aedri were left inside their space.

And soon, they were left into their own, and they were quite uncomfortable onto one, and Micael quickly talked about the things he wanted to be one, and they walked as their lips were moving fluently in accordance to theirs.

"How long have you been here in Southwark?" asked himself as he stepped his first, and he thought of it quite stupid and irrevocable, but he moved on anyhow.

"Me? How long have you been in HERE?" Aedri then followed with the lightest of his voice, and laughed after.

"A sun and a moon, I guess so." Micael's voice had seemed to be scared, and curious all the way through, and he quickly backed up his insecurity with very words of his.

"I'm an Aussie, and-" "French. I left France when I was young as you thought I was. Fifteen. And I grew the rest of myself here. Height, hair, bosom, glutes, name it."

Micael quickly thought: She is straightforward; she really was, words-wise, for she had quickly mentioned her body's curves right after Micael's introduction, and Micael willingly nodded as affirmation, thought it had meant something for Aedri atop of her crucial thinking.

"What's with the nodding?" "N-nothing. Micael Pratt, by the by." "No time for talks, I will show you something."

Aedri abruptly grabbed the left wrist of Micael, and then stepped his foot afront of the other with a distance.

And Aedri started running, as she felt excited.

Micael was, too. And he never resisted and just went along the movement and force of Aedri's body. He was happy. Very. And then rested upon his being and looked into the sides of the halls and whispered: "Morning dew," and he continued along, and their day continued forth.
