chapter 3

My head was throbbing from a headache,I notice I am in a dark cold room, I sit up trying to look around my surroundings except it's pitch black ,damn I try feeling for my dagger then I feel my rage rise,dammit they stripped me clean from all my weapons , as I try to stand up my arm stings painfully I scream realising how badly hurt my arm was, soon I hear the sound of keys clicking, flip I need to find a way out of here I see some light then suddenly a huge massive guy with big biceps and long blonde hair enters, he seems extremely annoyed with me, I try to dart out but he manages to grab me easily, he lifts me over his shoulder i try breaking free instead he growls this takes me by surprise, what in the world are these people?

the guy heads towards this large mansion, as he enters I hear growls around me, I look at the place I was in awe ,this place looked majestic the furniture looked extremely expensive it had a chandelier in the centre of the hallway entry, the floor was laminated with a beautiful brownish colour, the dining room had a big white table with gorgeous chairs, as I am still admiring this place the guy throws me on a couch I shriek from the pain from my arm,

" who are you and why are you trespassing on these grounds?" He demands ,I just stare at him, who the hell does he think he is ?,I realise my balaclava is still on my face he repeats the question this time he sounds cold

"I just laugh hysterically at him" he growls I can see he was about to punch me when suddenly in comes this hot hunk, he also looks huge except he looked more sexier with his black hair ,he's eyes were silver grey and he had a...wait a minute this is my target I quickly realise" the other guys seemed to give him this respect I couldn't get ,I guess he's the big boss in this place he steps towards the buff blonde guy who was carrying me , he starts asking him if he has found anything about the tresspasser, which obviously was me, they start chit chatting ,I decide to grab their attention so I start laughing hysterically again, they both stare at me , he glared at me growling, he asks

"what's so funny?" I don't stop laughing until he gets pissed off he rumbles again in a dark tone asking what so funny, I stop and just stare blankly at him. He rips off my balaclava then freezes as he's eyes meet my brown hazel eyes, I didn't expect what happened next, as the blonde guy approaches he growls MINE! I got startled as he picked me up bridal style , gosh hell no, I am not going to allow him to get his way with me ,I kick him in his face and make another escape as I head towards the door but he's too quick, he traps me with his arms and growls MINE !again, in all my life working I have never felt so much fear , I feel myself passing out again.


Damos POV

As I am making my way home in my Lexus I get a call from Christian ,my Beta telling me we have an intruder, as soon as I hear the word intruder I step on the gas speeding home, I arrive and see some smoke in the the distance it's teargas ,I run towards the woods and allow my wolf to take over , I mind link Christian for him to tell me in which direction to go when I pick up a scent, something sweet mixed with metal I hear the bushes behind me rustle , the movement stops and I glare and see a human in a black body suit with a balaclava on its face , I can see it's hurt so I shift back except it faints I mind link Christian telling him that I have found the trouble maker, he and the others head back I order him to take it to the prison cells except something seems to be bothering me about her but I am too pissed to think about it , how could an intruder enter the border and who the heck was supposed to be patrolling,

I decide to go get my car while I order Christian to get information on this human.a few moments later I enter the house and all the pack warriors are standing around the couch

"Christian did you manage to get anything on the intruder" Christian shakes his head, " it seems she is a female we tried taking of the balaclava but it seems to be stuck on her face like glue,and she's been laughing like crazy" I feel my rage rising especially when our intruder starts laughing hysterically again, I head towards her

"what's so funny I ask her" except she doesn't answer instead she keeps on laughing I ask her the second time but she doesn't budge .I growl ripping off her balaclava, she looked startled but then I look into her eyes my wolf screams


I can't believe it I finally found her after all this time, I feel Christian approaching but I snap screaming Mine at him he stopped in his tracks and backs off ,I look around and everyone is shocked , I grab my mate but somehow she kicks me in my face and jumps off my arms , she tries to head to the door but I reach her in time and growl Mine,her eyes are wide with shock she collapses in my arm , I mind link the pack doctor to get to the mansion immediately, while I quickly head upstairs, I lay my mate on my bed I am shocked she's so beautiful ,she has a cute baby face with gold brown skin , she also had a petite body. I notice her injury from earlier I feel anger knowing someone hurt my mate but before I could lash out Dr Carol the pack doctor arrives, she tries to get close but I growl at her she tells me to calm down and that she only wants to see how badly my mate is injured so I decide to give her some space.