The Bull of The Wild Beasts, Part 2

The day I confront Jeiro arrives.

"To fight the bull of Wild Beasts is suicide, I hope you survive sister." Said by my dearest brother. I slapped the back of his head from irritation. "You said you believe in me, why are you acting like you're expecting a funeral later?!" I yelled while glaring at him.

"You got it wrong sis, I really do believe in you… but if you ever become the person who gets beaten up then—"

"We'll call the police and the ambulance right away!" Ace assured, and even had his phone ready for a call. Maybe that's his only talent, to call for safety and back up when something bad is happening. "Tch, you guys are pathetic. Making a girl beat a delinquent."

"Yes, we already accepted that fact. So don't forget your wig, sis." He said, handing me the wig that resembled his damned hair.

"If I die, I'm going to hunt the two of you for the rest of your lives." These idiots really have brought me to my end. I should've demanded something more hard to buy.

And as I go to the spot where Jeiro would usually wait, I kept having thoughts of running away. Will I still be good at this? Can I take down a gigantic gorilla? I hope I still can, my life is on the line thanks to the two cowards who asked me to do this.

I raised my hands and yelled. "Huff! I CAN DO THIS!" I need to get motivated here. I should atleast land a punch or two before dying hehe.

"…found you!" A heavy weight got on my shoulders, and there I got startled when the sadist psycho is here for me again. Shit!


"I waited for you for two days, you know? You're so mean to make me wait that long."

"W-What are y-you…"

"Oh come on bud, don't be so nervous. I was serious of bringing you to Jeiro, my good ol' pal. I assure you of having a fair one on one with that gorilla without anyone interfering." He showed his sinister smile again and kept dragging me all the way under the west bridge.

Fuck, I could literally hear my heart beating loudly from the nervousness.

"You know, If you ever beat that Jeiro guy… I'll make you part of the crew. I'll even make Jeiro your personal slave if you want hahaha! Well, if that ever happens." He literally knows I'm going to lose this, but he still continues to insult me like this.

Ahh, I'm gonna be so fucked up, aren't I?

When we made it under the west bridge, every thugs had their eyes on me. Like a predator eyeing its prey. I think I might shit my pants any moment now!

Then the huge man who had piercings on his nose approaches us and had a big arrogant smile. "Keto! Is there anything you need for me to do?" Huh? This big tough guy works under this sadist psycho?!

"Yeah, my buddy here is actually looking for you man! He wish to do a one on one with you." Said the psycho.

When Jeiro had his eyes on me, he stops for a moment then laughs like some villain from the cartoons. "I'm quite surprised here, is that you Lyde?! It's nice to know you got out of the hospital so soon, 'ya want me to send you back there again?" He said as he began to crack his knuckles.

"Y-Yeah—I mean, no. I'll be the one sending you to the hospital this time!" Gosh, I'm so awkward. Everyone who was watching began to laugh as if I said a joke. "So cute! Hahaha!" The sadist psycho steps away and leaves me alone with Jeiro.

"Don't make me laugh, I'll end this quickly." Jeiro starts to become serious despite having a puny girl like me as an enemy. He doesn't even know that I'm a girl!

"Shit…" my hands began to tremble as I face Jeiro. I won't definitely survive this… I definitely will die after this. "…damn it Lyde! I don't know if I can still do boxing."

"Quit talking to yourself turd, you're going to die today!!!" Jeiro ran towards me just like the bull he is, he really is giving all his force on the punch he plans to land on me. Everything slows down as I watch him getting closer and closer… come on Lynn, move!… If you don't move, you will absolutely die!

"Haaa!—oof." A wave of laughter striked when I dodged Jeiro's first strike. He ended up kissing the ground when he missed me.

"Oh, OOOOOHHH! HAHAHAHA!" The sadist psycho's laugh was the most noticeable and unusual. That guy should be sent to rehab.

"Keep your eyes on me, you dodgy turd! When I run you over your dead!" Jeiro quickly gets back on his feet again and tried to catch me so he could murder me. "Face me like a man, coward!" He added.

I badly wanted to scream that I'm a girl, but I'm supposed to be Lyde right now. "Fine!" I tried acting manly even though I'm scared as hell.

When Jeiro kept throwing punches at me, I couldn't keep up with the pace and eventually he successfully punched me right on the face. Ah, I'm done…