The Heads Of The Gang, Part 2

"Get crippled you damn jerk!" I'll end his kicking career right here and now.

"W-What!…" he tried pulling his leg away but instead falls down on his back causing me to be pulled down too. He took that opportunity to kick me away from him and makes a distance between us.

"You!…" he got really surprised when I still charged right at him. I won't stop until I get to beat his face into a mess!


"W-Woah!" Now he just kept dodging every punch and kick I throw at him. "This isn't over yet, I'll beat you to pulps!"

"Lyde! You can stop now!" I heard Keto scream, but I just continued to do what I needed to do.

"Dude, did you just tried to break my leg?" This damn guy won't stand still. 

"Hell yeah!" I eventually stopped and just glared at him. "I don't like people talking shit and looking down on me."

He smirks and got on stance again. "Then let's see how far you can go with me."

"Bring it on." I dared. I'll make sure he regrets this.

Both of us charged head on and got to block each others attack. Lexi's arm blocking my high-kick while I got to stop his fist reaching my face. "Not bad." He smirks and kicked me off of him again. I didn't let myself fall over again and got back up on my own.

However, he was too fast. Lexi was already infront of me knocked me down. "F-Fuck." That felt so unfair.

"Lyde!" Keto and Ash comes over to check on me while I'm already on the verge of losing consciousness. That punch was just like Keto's but it had more force to it.

"Hahahaha! That was quick, but it fun and impressive." Said the jerk who beat me up. My body just started to feel the pain and exhaustion, and Lexi was the last thing I saw before everything turned dark.


Lexi's pov

Just when Lyde lost consciousness, I stopped laughing and had to help Keto with this dude. "You guys should've stopped when I said so." Keto complained.

"Don't worry, I'll be the one carrying him." I assured him. When I had Lyde on my back, it was kind of a relieve to know that he wasn't heavy as I thought. "But damn Keto, this one got some potential." The way he stopped my fist earlier got me really intrigued. I kinda wish it lasted a little longer.

"Yeah, it was amazing how he can still stand up after getting kneed on the stomach like that. He even almost broke Lexi's leg." Ash was also impressed as I am.

Keto held his head high with an arrogant smile. "Of course he's amazing, I chose him to be my underling after all."

"I wonder if Lyde might plan to steal your position as second squad leader someday." Ash jested.

"If he does, then I'll take him on and kill him."

"Let's just get going now guys, I can imagine Ren throwing tantrums with us being late for an emergency meeting again." Ash reminded.

And while we were on our way, I just can't get it out of my head. The way how Lyde looks at me was quite intimidating, especially when he was really going to break my leg. It kind of got me shivering out of fear but I'm glad I was able to knock him down like this.

He's quite interesting, but I don't like how he aimed to break my leg.

If Lyde ever gets a bit stronger, then it'll be a real risk to challenge him like that again. He's the type who doesn't hesitate to do something even if it's too dangerous for him.


Lynn's pov

"…east!… Beast!… Beast!"

I woke up from that loud annoying noise. And it startled me to find myself on a different place. There was also this jacket beside me, and checking it out I realized it was a uniform. "This is!…" from it's silver highlighted logo and good quality cloth, I was quite impressed by this Wild Beast gang.

"Is this for me though?" I asked myself. Maybe someone just put it here beside me, I don't want to claim this without being sure if it's really given to me.

I hung the jacket on my arm and tried finding where the loud noise is coming from. And when I made it to some plaze, there were a lot of guys wearing the same uniform that I had with me. They were all cheering the name of their gang. And the guy who was standing alone infront of the crowd had this incredibly intimidating aura which makes me guess that he's probably the leader of the Wild Beasts.

And it almost freaked me out when that guy looks behind and saw me staring at him. I hid myself more behind the tree when he smirks, showing off his sharp fang.

…why do I suddenly feel like something bad is going to happen?