Friendly Date

I was wearing my favorite and most comfortable style; a simple white shirt and short jeans with my hair neatly tied in a bun. While waiting infront of the bakery, my stomach kept growling over the delicious scent that was trying to lure me. I could've eaten now but food always taste better when you eat with a friend.

"Lyyyynn!! Sorry, I'm a little late." Cain apologized as he arrived, I checked my watch and it was already 10:47 am. It wasn't that much of a problem for him to be late though, I actually arrived only five minutes earlier than him.

But of course, there's no need to tell him that. "You better be!"

"I already said I'm sorry."

"I won't be mad anymore if you treat me to some of those." I told him by pointing at the bakery. Cain just laughed and went along with me. I knew today will be great by starting it off with great snacks.

After we bought loads of snacks, we made our way to Cain knows where. He told me that the I'll definitely love the place he'll show me. "It's the best place within the district, I bet you'll want to come back there next time!" He said.

Cain was also chatty for a guy, but this time he got me interested so I listened… for only about half-way through. I was thankful that he isn't talking about flowers anymore, however, he just won't stop talking about zodiac compatibilities. He's really showing his nerdy side.

"I read somewhere that Aries and Gemini suit each other—…" I would only nod while munching on the snacks we have. It's making me feel a little bad that I'm pretending to listen, but I was kind of used to this set up. Atleast I have food with me.

My eyes would often glance at him as he talk passionately, his tattoo makes me feel like I've seen it somewhere. It reminds me of the time Keto made me investigate those other delinquents from a different gang that was bothering one of our members. They also had that symbol— a scythe. Cain also mentioned this before, he's a delinquent even though he doesn't really seem like it.

Before I could ask him, he stops and grabs my hand. "We should go there when the sun settles down, riding the ferris wheel at that time is hella awesome!" That seemed like a great idea. I smiled and nodded along with his suggestion.

"Sure, I'm down for it."

"Sweet!" It got him really happy that I agreed.

And as we got further into the district, he rented a motorbike for us to ride on because the place he was talking about was quite far from where we currently are. As we made our way on the road, he got onto different routes and showed me the beauty of this district that he knows so well.

"Check out those murals!" Cain pointed at the building walls covered in paint and drawings. Most of the murals seemed to be done by professional artists, I could've taken some nice pictures but Cain was in a hurry to arrive at some place.

"…ta-dah! They have the best food! I go here for dinner most of the time, and sometimes lunch. I just can't get enough of the food here." We arrived at a small diner. There's already a lot of people inside, and I think Cain must be telling the truth. The place smell so nice that it makes me want to eat there—and it was fortunate that we're actually going to eat here.

"Ahh, it smells so good!" I couldn't stop myself from saying that when we got inside the diner.

And it looks like Cain was expecting this kind of reaction. "I know, right?" 

Once we got a table to ourselves, I let Cain pick whatever's good on the menu since he's a regular here. And it was a damn good feast. "I'm really going back to this place." I told him.

"See? I told 'ya! You'll want to come back again. But this isn't the only place you'll be coming back for, we still have the rest of the day and I got loads of places on the list that you will definitely love."

I guess it was a really good idea to hang out with Cain, if it weren't for him I'd be bored and stuck with unpleasant memories on this summer vacation. Can't even believe I'm actually enjoying a day in this vacation.

"…also…" he added. Cain looks quite embarassed and made such an awkward atmosphere suddenly. "It's really rare for me to have genuine friends to hang out with, so thanks… for… hanging out… with me." By the end of his sentence, his words got more quiet than the last, but I get what he meant.

He made me smile for a moment, and so I told him. "No need to thank me, I'll definitely hang out with you again!"