Outrageous Night (Ch.7)

~one mark of a great soldier is that he fights on his own terms or fights not at all~

Sun Tzu- The Art of War.

I walked into Jalan's personal chambers, frowning at the decorated bed which was obviously my beloved King's handwork, royal uncle was the most annoying man I knew, it was hard putting up with his usual silliness, as much as I adored him, he was tiring sometimes.

I sighed even as I felt a presence jump in through the window, kneeling behind me.

"Minu Kaitsja." I acknowledged, not needing to turn around to know it was Ryuu.

"Will armuke be spending the night here?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I will be at the west courtyard by dawn, await me there, we will return to the mansion by noon tomorrow." I informed him, he hummed in response before leaving as soundlessly as he came.

I took off the gown I was wearing, placing it on a shelve before pulling on the sheer robe I had requested from the maids over my undergarments, the robe was mostly see through and as such my partial nudity was practically on display but I didn't mind, I had never been one to be self conscious of my body, I knew nothing would happen here tonight, I just needed to make sure the spy I had spotted in a maid disguise would be convinced beyond reasonable doubt.... that was if she was stupid enough not to realize it was a trick based on how easy it was for her to get in here, infiltrating a Prince's mansion that easily? Anyone would feel something was off.

I lay across a spacious reclining chair, the frame was made from milky quartz, as was most of his furniture and the floor of his room itself, eating from the fruit bowl I had placed on the table beside me, I read through a random book I had found on one of his numerous book shelves, one of the few things we had in common, as I awaited his arrival..the arrival of my kihlatu.

He walked in a while later, Caius, Arauth and a guilty looking Dae coming in with him. I rolled my eyes at the look on Dae's face, I couldn't understand why he would feel guilty about his love life, I didn't mind, I just felt bad to be the one interfering but it couldn't be helped.

"Rauth, Cai and Dae mostly spend the night with me here, I hope you do not mind." Jalan said and I shrugged uncaringly.

It's no wonder Dae's mansion was always looking un lived in, he actually didn't live there, at least not at nights.

"If what you mean to ask is if I will be bothered by sexual intimacy between you three then the answer is no, I do not care for your involvement with your lovers, sexual activities are not a new sight for me, growing up on the battlefield, there was rarely much privacy, my presence here tonight cannot be helped but pay me no mind, I shall leave at dawn." I replied before returning my attention back to my book, I ignored the fact that their eyes were still fixated on my partially exposed body, it was a given that they'd find me attractive, everyone did...that changed nothing.


It was becoming difficult to keep my focus on my book with the erotic sounds filling the room, it wasn't the first time I was privy to a couple being intimate, my warriors didn't care much for my presence when they satisfied their carnal desires, having come to the conclusion that their General was rarely fazed by anything and they weren't wrong, besides within the seven kingdoms it wasn't unsurprising to have victory banquets take that direction, my father enforced discipline but sometimes it couldn't be helped among war bred men and we just had to overlook it, I had long gotten used to it.

However this was different, I had never been bothered much by erotic activities in my presence, but I was actually finding it hard to stay unfazed by what was currently going on some distance from where I lay, the room was getting hot and uncomfortable...or it could just be me, I channelled my energy from my ice core, spreading the familiar cool air throughout my heating up body, successfully calming my body as I gave myself a strict mental lecture, also succeeding in calming my mind, I relaxed back into the chair and flipped the pages of the book, impatiently awaiting the end of the night.

I was drawn out of my peaceful state by the sound of multiple footsteps approaching from a distance, I had been blessed with an extremely good sense of hearing so it didn't surprise me that the men had not noticed, I turned to them, my mouth drying up at the sight I took in, Arauth was on his hands and knees shaking in pleasure as Daerev ferociously thrust into him from behind, he was unable to let out moans as his mouth was stuffed full with Caius's huge manhood, Caius's hand gripped his hair tightly, as he threw his head back moaning at the feeling of the lips pleasuring him, in all this Jalan lay at the side leaning on his arm as he watched them with desire, his right hand slowly stroking his engorged shaft through his tight leather pants.

I shook myself out of my frozen moment as Jalan's eyes caught mine, he raised a questioning brow at me and I finally recalled the reason I had turned this way, I listened for the sound again and my eyes widened when I realized how close they had gotten, still a distance away but close enough that the sound of their footsteps would soon reach the sensitive ears of the warriors on the bed, I stood up immediately, swiftly making my way to the bed, the men on the bed gave me curious looks but were too distracted by their pleasure to protest, having reached their climaxes, their loud moans had me struggling to stay focused as my body reacted to the erotic events occurring.

I moved straight to Jalan, climbing up the bed over him, he stared at me shocked as I began kissing down his neck, to his erect nipples, down his well defined and muscular chest, stopping right above his belt buckle I locked eyes with him and it seems he finally found his voice.

"Wh... what in the world are you doing?" He asked me baffled but obviously trying to fight his body's reaction to me, I didn't respond, instead unbuckling his belt and freeing his fully erect shaft, I paused in shock at the size of him, thick and huge, a lot bigger than any I had seen, of course the royal family had to be so well endowed.

I pushed away my hesitations, placing a soft kiss on his tip, before taking him slowly into my mouth, working my lips to accommodate his size, he groaned in pleasure as his hand moved in an attempt to stop me but I grabbed his hand, even as the three other warriors stared at me, not knowing how to react to what they were seeing, I lifted a pointed finger to my ears, signalling for them to listen, they frowned at me but did as told, eyes growing wide as they probably heard the footsteps clearly now.

"What the....?" Arauth trailed off, as they stood up and pulled on their pants before Caius headed to the door and opened it slightly, watching for a few minutes till he finally caught sight of whoever was coming, he turned to us with an annoyed expression.

"Soldiers?" Jalan asked curiously, able to talk now that I had taken my mouth off him, Caius shook his head.

"The entire fucking emissary, His Majesty included." He replied and I groaned in annoyance, just as I thought, the footsteps got louder and I looked at Jalan for permission, he groaned but nodded reluctantly.

I took him into my mouth again, this time not as surprised by his size, I was more confident, working my way down till my nose brushed his pubic hairs and I felt his tip at the back of my throat, I flexed my throat muscles a bit, deep throating him and he threw his head back, letting out a loud moan even as the door was pushed open and royal uncle walked in followed by practically all the major envoys, they stopped short coming to an abrupt halt at the sight before them.

I widened my eyes in mock shock before attempting to pull away only for Jalan to grip my hair, keeping me in place, I smirked within me at the looks on the faces of the envoys, especially poor Freya as I continued my work, now bobbing my head slightly moving him in and out of my mouth, he lifted a hand indicating they waited a bit as he threw his head back letting out an extremely erotic sound, if I didn't know it was just for the benefit of the envoys, that sound would have had me reaching an orgasm without even being touched.

I shook my head, amused by his acting skills even as I increased my pace, driving him off the edge as he reached his climax, moaning out my name, I didn't move, swallowing down his essence as much as I could while the rest leaked out the corners of my mouth.

I pulled away, wiping my mouth with a finger and then sucking it off in his view as he groaned again at the sight, before I turned to the embarrassed intruders in the room, all blushing red apart from my royal uncle who seemed extremely excited at the sight he just saw, not even pretending to be ashamed, he was weird like that.

"Uhmm... welcome?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence in the room, Dae chuckled, but glared at the men in the room whose desire filled eyes were fixated on my body, or at least the fact that they knew I was partially nude beneath the robe, my angle didn't let them see much anyways.

Dae grabbed his coat and moved to my side, placing it gently over my shoulders, I pulled it to cover myself giving him a grateful smile before turning fully to face the envoys.

Royal father turned to face them as well with a raised brow.

"You were doubting, yes?" He asked in an annoyed tone and the envoys seemed at a loss for words, they quickly began excusing themselves and I was glad for Ikkan's absence but it was expected, even if he doubted he wasn't silly enough to handle his doubt this way, this was obviously Freya's work, the lady was too inexperienced, trying to attack me this way had only ended in my benefit, it was now beyond doubt that our engagement was not just a ploy to avoid a political marriage being proposed for Jalan at the peace talks.

I stood up, ignoring royal uncle's look and returned to my reclining chair, he wasn't deterred by my actions, leaving with a happy stride and I scoffed in annoyance, I could feel the eyes of the four men on me but I ignored them, shutting my eyes and listening to ensure the intruders had all left the maple courtyard, when I was sure, I stood up abruptly and stared at the door before deciding to remain cautious, I leaped out the window, scaling up to the roof and heading to the west wing.

Once I arrived, I walked straight into the bath hall adjoined to my room, nodding at Aquila and Annia in thanks for the already prepared hot bath, I quickly washed and got out, paying alot of attention to my mouth, before pulling on a night robe and heading straight to bed, as I shut my tired eyes I felt a presence in my room, I smiled slightly, my eyes fluttering open to acknowledge my Kaitsja.

"Armuke...are you alright?" he asked in concern and I smiled again, anyone who saw the cold hearted and emotionless Ryuu this worried would find it hard to believe.

"Minu Kaitsja...my night was... unbelievably outrageous." I whispered softly before shutting my eyes again and drifting off to sleep, knowing I was safe so long as my Kaitsja was present.