A Test Of Worth 2 (Ch.14)

~The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise~


I stopped right before the injured young man, my eyes examined him, I couldn't really decipher his facial features because his face was painted for camouflage, his right ear was pierced, his eyes were slightly slanted and each pupil was a different color, one gold and the other green, the mark of an animage.

His long straight black hair was pulled into a tight pony tail, he was shirtless, his power marking covered his whole arm and a bit of his neck, while the rest of his muscular body was covered in scars and tribal tattoos decorating his skin, thankfully his lower half was covered in a pair of breeches.

I halted my examination of the young warrior at the sight of his heavily bleeding injury, frowning slightly at my dagger still imbedded in his thigh, I sighed, dropping to a crouch and wrapping my hand around the hilt.