Arrival At Fort Argon (Ch.30)

~The beginning is the most important part of the work~


General Birger stood atop the city wall of his beloved fort, overlooking the lands beyond, his gaze swept over the vast expanse of snow covered lands, narrowed eyes lingering particularly on a certain dark forest, the Argonnite forest.

Oh how Birger hated the sight of it. What had once been an outstanding part of his terrain had become a source of terror to his people, what had once been a place that provided them with nourishments now became the cover for uncouth bandits, shielding them from his sight whilst leaving he and his people bare to theirs.

Birger detested the situation he found himself in, the feeling of being cornered, of anticipating what you could never truly be prepared for because you simply did not know enough to prepare adequately. Never had he been reduced to such an extent before.