The Five Great Families 1 (Ch.42)

~Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision~

-Ayn Rand

General Daerev took a sit at his desk at the barracks of the gold crest guards. The warrior quietly pondered over his discussion with the crown prince and shook his head with a slight chuckle, however combined with his amusement, the general also had a look of concern marring his handsome features.

Too many things were happening all at once, and it seemed the list would only grow by the day. Even the five great families who had made it a point to stay out of any suspicious matters to avoid incurring the wrath of the king of Dalagh had also started making moves.

Daerev knew clearly that with the involvement of the five pillar families of Dalagh's royal court, this matter was no longer as easy to deal with because just what kind of power were the five great families?