Consort Elden (Ch.45)

~The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best~


It was in the wee hours of the night that an entourage of men on black pulling an extremely ordinary looking carriage neared the final turn they would have to take before they arrived at their intended destination. This entourage had left the side gates of Dragra one day prior and had travelled non stop through the least used dirt roads, heading west and ensuring to keep out of the sights of prying eyes.

However the carriage was so ordinary looking, whilst also being pulled by an equally ordinary looking horse, that even if it had been that they had chosen to travel openly through the populated streets of Dragra, then they still would not have drawn much attention. Not when the people of Dalagh were used to seeing luxuriously decorated carriages, pulled by various reverred beasts.