An Invitation to Trespass (Ch.95)

~That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time~

-John Stuart Mill

"We stop here for the night, make camp." Andronika ordered, lifting a hand to halt her army's march. The captains echoed her command as they steered their mounts down the ranks of their various units.

Andronika dismounted Reo, heading off to the side of the path, she leaned against a tree, watching her warriors move about to set camp. It had been three days since they had left fort Argon and many more days before they would arrive at Dragra.

"General." Andronika lifted her gaze up to meet Arne.

"Hmm, Arne, was there something you wished to discuss?" Andronika asked him quietly, Arne nodded slowly, he seemed reluctant to speak but Andronika gestured for him to continue.