The Kolin Clan's Drum Beat 2 (Ch.116)

~Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them~

-Marcus Aurelius

"Doubling the attacking force of their spiritual energy and at the very same time pouring their spiritual energy into the drum seems to be a method of cultivation... such an outstanding cultivation art! It is not any inferior to my Majeir family arts! Truly genius! This general is in awe." Andronika could not help but comment, the drums had only been beat twice however it's great power could not be denied.

"General flatters me." Clan leader Hayne replied modestly before resuming his drum beating.

This time the drum beat did not produce any waves of spiritual energy, it only filled the arena with it's sonorous tone as the warrior drummers created an awe inspiring melody with their drum beats.