To Weather a Storm (Ch.130)

~Misfortune seldom intrudes upon the wise man; his greatest and highest interests are directed by reason throughout the course of life~


Great general Cassimir Majeir kept his gaze straight and unbothered as he confidently stepped into the audience hall, marching up to his position like he owned the place.

Pandemonium immediately broke out in the hall, the court ministers flying into rage filled rants and yells whilst great general Cassimir kept an extremely unconcerned look, not even glancing at the furious court ministers.

"Cassimir Majeir! You are truly too daring! Ransacking our homes? And you expect to be safe after this?! Dream on!" One minister exclaimed in rage.

"Just you wait general! The moment the king arrives, you will have to explain your actions! Not even His Royal Majesty can save you now!" Another roared.