Situation Reversed (Ch.135)

~People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use~

-Soren Kierkegaard

Great general Cassimir stepped forward with his usual blank look, he bowed low in respect to the king.

"Your majesty, this general is baffled to hear such accusations spouted from the mouths of my fellow ministers and officials of this royal court. Your majesty knows this general's temperament well, since this general has been so painfully accused, I shall tender my own explanation and leave the judgement to your majesty." Great general Cassimir began, pausing and shaking his head slightly before he continued.

"This general indeed barged into the houses of the nobles of our great kingdom, however this general only acted in urgency due to my great concern for the safety and well-being of our beloved crown prince who was in grave danger."