Caught In Between (Ch.161)

Daerev stepped out of the great general's quarters, glancing back for a moment, he exhaled heavily, his heart heavy with reluctance to leave Andronika's side.

Daerev's mind still reeled from how light and feeble Andronika had looked, even when he had carried her in his arms, she barely weighed as much as his saber did.

 Daerev knew his sister to be many things but weak was not one of them, to see her in such a state was a hard pill for Daerev to swallow, 

Even if Daerev did know Andronika would recover, this time, a lasting effect of losing an entire cultivation level would be difficult to recover from.

Two cultivation levels Andronika had worked so hard to achieve, sacrificing months in harsh conditions to break past her limits.

"I should never have allowed her go out on her own...or at the least, I should have been there." Daerev murmured to himself, deeply regretting not having done more.