What Would Change (Ch.163)

Jalan lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was still completely bewildered by all that had happened in the span of a few hours, beginning from the minute Andronika's return was made known.

Now, Jalan did love his privacy but being alone in his quarters this time, the silence weighed down heavily all around him.

After Arauth had left, Caius had also requested consent to return to his barracks which Jalan had known he had no choice but to grant.

Caius was not only Jalan's shadow guard but also a ranked general in the King's Scarlet Army, his duties were of greater importance than Jalan's need for company.

"How is it that everyone is now so smitten by her and I have become the villain?" Jalan murmured aloud in bafflement.

More than that, it was difficult for Jalan to understand what it was that they could see in him that he himself could not see.