Her Reincarnation (2)

". . . What is this?"

My eyes went wide at the sight of another stairs. I found out it was connected to a small door at the top.

Soon, I felt curious about what lies ahead behind the door.

As I took another step, I decided on climbing up the stairs until the door was in front of me so I could check if the door was open or locked.

I was slightly taken back from how easily the door could open with such a soft push and opened the door fully after knowing it wasn't locked in the first place.

When the door opens, I shield myself from the bright light shining from the outside. It was bright enough to lighten the secret basement where I was.

I keep on climbing out until I finally exit the basement. My eyes went wide when I saw the view of the surface.

"What a completely different room. . ."

The new sight led my eyes to widen in surprise. When I positioned myself in a standing position, my feelings became clearer. I felt like I had always been locked here the whole time, but that's not the case.

Later on, I put my attention away from the thoughts as I concentrate more on the objects inside the room.

In front of me is a luxurious bedroom. There is the small door where I came out from behind the bed, making it completely sure that the small door that leads to the room is completely hidden.

"Where am I?"

I asked myself while observing the room in front of me.

I could feel a comfortable sensation the more I spent a lot of time in this room. It is breathtakingly gorgeous that I couldn't even believe my eyes where every place I look just screams luxurious through my ears.

'. . . Was it because I was so poor in my previous life? It already hurts.'

I looked at my surroundings where I noticed there was no one present at the moment.

Already thinking there will be no disturbance, I could see that walking around the room seems to be an option for me.

Although, I'm still planning on staying inside because I'm not ready to leave this room.

When I walked as I looked around, I didn't find anything suspicious.

Everything here was normal for me except for the old designs that were used.

I put on a small smile before letting out a chuckle.

'It is just like in a fairytale.'

I sighed as I turned my head towards the open window.

I figure I have to get a good look at this place before considering myself going outside. Afterward, I slowly approached it.

I reached the window as I leaned my head closer to view the outside.

The moment I did that, my eyes immediately went wide.

It was so surprising that I almost took a step back from my position. From the window, I saw a quite frightening sight in front of my eyes.

Red flowers.

The view from the window is a garden that is only filled with red flowers. The color and shape are quite similar to red spider lilies.

All of the flowers that gather together in one place are almost like a pool of crimson blood gathering all together.

Only seeing it was enough to pressure me down.

After viewing the garden with only red flowers gathered with no other flowers with any kind of color than red, the urge to vomit suddenly crashed through my body for no reason.

I couldn't take it anymore as I turned my head away in an attempt to avoid the sight.

'. . . What is that? The flowers are really weird.'

I continue to walk towards the door that probably leads outside this bedroom.

Slowly, my legs bring me close to the door as I raise my hand and grab the doorknob and gently pull the door open as it makes a creaking sound, revealing the empty, bright luxurious halls that are clearly visible for me.

I turned my head from side to side, noticing there is no one other present here than me.

Curious took over and without closing back the door, I walked towards the hall from my left side.

Walking around here feels weird and refreshing at the same time.

Until I turned around the corner, I finally bumped into someone.

"I'm sor-"

I immediately cut my lines as my eyes went wide by the person that stands before me.

The person wore white armor, a white cape, and white leather boots. Even a distinctive white helmet covering its whole face.

Everything is plain white but I could tell by his amazing yet intimidating presence that he is indeed a knight.

"I apologize. It was quite bumbling of me to greet Your Highness in such a way."

My eyes blinked at his reaction. By the sound of his voice, it sounds stoic and robotic.

But something interesting caught me off guard.

'. . . Your Highness? Who? Me?'

I raised my eyebrow as the thoughts kept interrupting my mind.

". . . Excuse me, but what do you mean by 'Your Highness?'"

I straightly asked him because there weren't any options either way and I couldn't do anything out of the ordinary considering he's the first person that I met.

"The term 'Highness' is a formal style used to address or refer to certain members of a reigning or formerly reigning dynasty. I trust it could answer Your Highness's question."

He explained thoroughly with his usual robotic voice.

I form an awkward smile when I figure he might actually be mistaking my question.

". . . That's not what I meant. I mean, why do you, Sir, call me 'Your Highness'?"

"The answer to that question is obvious. It is because you are the Royal Family from the Lucretia Kingdom, the only heir to the throne, the only royal bloodline, Dorothy Lucretia O'bell."

My eyes widened in surprise by his normal statement as my lips parted shakily.

At this moment, the stupid wish that I thought of when I was about to die slowly came back to me.

It's about reincarnated as a Princess who is loved by the whole continent.

'But seriously, did God really answer my sudden wish right before my death? Is this meant to be a joke?!'

". . . T-thank you for the information."

I immediately thanked him with an awkward expression as he slightly bows.

"It was my define pleasure to serve. Well then, excuse me."

He started to walk again, passing me through as he went to the same way where I came from.

The sound of his footsteps strangely sends a shiver down my spine because of the empty hall.

I gulped and slowly turned my head to see his back that is getting further away from my reach.

'. . . As a knight, he's a very strange guy. Also, me? Am I really a Princess? Kingdom? Isn't this a dream come true!?'

My eyes felt like seeing sparkles as happiness filled over me.

I could feel myself humming happily while starting to walk around the castle randomly.

That's when I finally see a maid for the first time through this hall since I know about this kingdom's existence.

I slowly walk towards her.

When she noticed my sudden presence, her eyes quickly went wide in surprise.

She immediately put her right hand on the center of her chest and bend her back as she briefly bows her head before standing back up.

"Greetings, Your Highness."

She exclaimed politely as my lips curved into a smile.

"Greetings to you, too."

She hesitated a bit while looking at me weirdly.

I raised my brow and decided to ask,

"Is there something wrong?"

She snapped from her own thoughts and start to swing her hands around the air frantically.

"N-no. Of course not. Actually, this low life was wondering why did Your Highness decide to leave her room! Uhh, because. . . It's the first time in two months."

". . . Huh?"

"W-well. . . ! No excuse to pardon such a simple commoner maid but-"

Actually, the thing that caught my interest was not about the information about myself that stays in her room for 2 months.

But when the maid waves her hands frantically in the air, the thing that is on her wrist caught my interest.

Without thinking or contemplating my actions, I immediately caught her right wrist making her startle a bit.

"Y-Your Highness?!"

Her frantic and awkward expression turns into confusion and slight fear in an instant.

"Your Highness. . . ? Is Your Highness alright? May I assisted to help with something?"

This time, she asked again with a low tone of confusion while looking at me questioningly as her lips parted shakily.

"Hey. . ."

I started while looking deeply at her wrist that has the same sign as my wrist.

The number '2'.

I remember, I once checked my wrist when I was in the basement and it has the same sign as hers, having the sign of number '2'.

'What does it means. . . ?'

". . . On your wrist, it has the same sign as mine."

I exclaimed, confusion filled me at the same time, not taking my eyes off from her wrist.

"I will rephrase it. . . Why do we have the same sign on our wrist?"


