Stranger Friend's Death (2)

"My. . . what?"

I asked with my eyes wide with fear and confusion.

The coachman sighed after seeing my reaction.

He takes off his black hat from his head and places it across his chest before explaining,

"Your Highness, Chester Silas is your only closest friend. You often exchange letters with him."

". . . Exchanging Letters?"

When I heard those words, my eyes became widened in realization.

"Yes, Your Highness. As I heard, it was like a tradition between you and him. You treated him like a family back then."

The coachman added.

I was stunned.

I didn't know the person who was going to be executed was a dear friend of the original Dorothy.

'. . . I suddenly felt so bad.'

As I was done focusing on my feelings, I glanced at the coachman.

I looked carefully at his expression before feeling disturbed by it.

He might look like he was neutral about the situation but deep down, I could feel he was actually disgusted and full of contempt towards me.

I sighed.

'I couldn't blame him. I would be the same if I was in his stead.'

With that mind, I thank the coachman for explaining to me before I asked to head back to the castle.

After getting back, I felt a sudden curiosity about those letters. A few questions appeared in my head.

'Why would they exchange letters with every chance they get? Wouldn't it be more convenient to meet directly and talk face-to-face if they have a lot to tell?'

I thought to myself. That's when I was determined to search for the letters.

With that thought, I immediately went to my room.

When I arrived, I quickly roam inside my room to search for the letters that I have exchanged with Chester Silas.

I rummage my desk and drawer, but everything is empty.

'. . . I wonder where the original Dorothy kept her letters?'

I walked towards my bed and sat on it while thinking about where it could've been.

It wasn't long before the memories from when I just reincarnated here started to come back.

Inside the basement where I first woke up, even though it's not clear, I saw a glimpse of letters beside the books that were on the desk.

When I realized that, I stood up and turned my head towards the back of the bedroom.

I opened it as I took a step to enter the secret room.

Before taking another step, I suddenly realized that someone could step into this room at any moment.

With that point of view, I decided to make sure that the door is locked first before also checking if the curtains are closed yet to cover the glass window.

'They know Dorothy is a neet. So if the door is closed and locked, they wouldn't bother themselves to come in.'

After everything was done, I slipped at the edge of the bed and pushed it sideways so that the door on the floor was visible to me.

When I finally have my sight on the path, I carefully climb down the short stairs.

After a couple of steps, I found myself meeting the familiar door once again.

Without any hesitation, I open the door as the sight of the clean familiar basement becomes visible.

After stepping in, I turned my head around to find the desk.

My eyes were hopeful as I immediately went towards it. On top of the desk, I found a few letters beside a stack of books.

I checked the letters before I gently opened one of them to read the context.

'. . . Let's hope we find something interesting between many of these letters.'

I opened and read a letter by letter. Despite that much effort in thoroughly searching for some clues, I still couldn't find anything suspicious or strange.

". . . What is this. . . ? The letters are just normal daily greetings between friends."

I grip the letter firmly on my hand and put it back on the desk.

I sighed.

'. . . Could I be wrong? No, there must be something I might have missed.'

Without a second thought, I tried to open the drawer below the desk.

I lightly pull the handle as it opens normally.

Much to my satisfaction, I found a piece of paper that was inside the drawer.

I checked the drawer thoroughly as I was still wary of it. After the short inspection, I decided it was alright for me to grab it.

I gulped nervously before I extended my hand slowly to reach the paper inside the drawer.

After getting hold of it, I bring it in front of my eyes to read.

My eyes widened from the contents of the note.

- be careful when it rises to ten

- find the household that stands the second to the royal family

- Investigate Directive Order and Directive Knights further

'. . . What does it mean?'

No matter how I see it, there are three sentences that were written on the piece of paper.

I observed the paper again before my eyes widened in realization and immediately grabbed one of the folded letters that were on the desk.

I unfold them as I read each one carefully once more.

From time to time, I would again check the context of the letters and the piece of paper.

That's when I came to a conclusion.

'. . Could it be. . . that he is using some sort of code inside the letters? If it's true, then that could mean the writings from the piece of paper are what Dorothy has figured the meaning out behind those codes in his letter.'

I put my hand on my chin before I pull the chair closer and sit in front of the desk.

I grabbed a pen nearby before dipping it in ink just above the middle hole in the nib and give the pen a firm shake to encourage excess ink off before organizing the letters and the piece of paper at the same time.

'Since there is no code of numbers or time inside the letters, then he must have used words as his code instead. Let's start with words.'

With that, I circle every word from the letters that are similar to the piece of paper that took more time than I thought.

It was tiring and satisfying at the same time until I realize what did he use for the code.

'. . . Every fifth word in the sentence of the letter spells out a secret message for every letter he sent me that creates a sentence.'

While observing the letter, I sighed deeply.

'. . . Chester is smarter than I anticipated. He's a noble but why did he get executed? The Directive Knights didn't explain what kind of crime he committed. And why did he have to use a secret code like this-'

I stopped at my track as my eyes went wide in realization that soon was clouded with fear.

I began to remember the words from the Directive knight that I once asked to the execution,

- "Diurnal Inspect."

I facepalm myself before I sighed tiredly with a hint of annoyance.

'Don't tell me every letter that is sent to someone will be checked first by them!?'

I grit my teeth in irritation and scratch the back of my head furiously using the two of my hands.

'This is going too far even for a mere knight!'

I yelled furiously inside my head.

After that, I tried to calm myself down and began to realize that nothing can't be done with the past and the original Dorothy has already solved the code that makes things easier.

Because of that, I decided to let this one slide and grab the piece of paper back to read it again.

- be careful when it rises to ten

- find the household that stands the second to the royal family

- investigate Directive Order and Directive Knights further

I sighed before humming for myself.

I was thinking about what does he meant by 'be careful when it rises to ten'

But I decided to skip that for now and read the second one,

'find the household that stands the second to the royal family'

I already figured that he's trying to say that I should contact the 'family that stands the second to the royal family'.

That means the family that is ranked right below me as the Royal Family.

'Considering the circumstances of the nobles. . . below a Royal Family is a Duke, right?'

My lips curved into a small smile as I sigh with relief.

'I can't do anything when you were executed. I apologized for that. But, that's why I am going to do this and find out the true reason why you are being executed, Chester Silas.'

I leaned on the chair comfortably as I look at the piece of paper with merely three pieces of information that is already enough for me.

'For now, let's investigate the Duke first. I need to find whoever it is or from what Dukedom they are from. I'm sure he knows something about the orders and the knights.'

I thought before I smiled in relief.

Before, I never realized that if it weren't for him, I will never going to found out the truth about this Kingdom.


