Under Suspicion (1)

"But, not the whole truth."

He exclaimed with a casual smile before leaning himself on the couch comfortably while he took a seep on his tea.

After hearing those words, I looked at him with a more relaxed expression.

Even if he doesn't have all the information I needed, I could regain some of my composure now that he actually knows something about the Directive Order.

"You looked a lot calmer compared to before, Your Highness."

He remarked on my behavior.

I glanced back at him as he put his cup of tea on the table. He glances back at me with a light-hearted smile.

"What do you want to know? I hope I can answer it."

He asked with an amused tone.

I was taken back.

lt was not because of how the Archduke would easily inform such information that is not known by many people to me.

It was the expression he wore when he offered to answer.

'. . . His eyes looked dead. His smile couldn't even hide his actual emotion. It's like he's tired and forcing it.'

I glanced at him as I wondered why his eyes lack emotion. But, I decided to forget about it and focus on the matter at hand.

'Despite the expression, he seems to be amused at this conversation judging by his tone.'

I sighed deeply before I looked at him in the eye.

"I'll get straight to the point. What is Directive Order?"

After hearing my question, he raised his brow in confusion. He looked at me weirdly before he chuckled.

"If that's what Your Highness wished for. In general explanation, Directive Order is the only rule that this Kingdom has. No one dares to violate it and no one will violate it. However, despite knowing what the rules say and the consequences, there are still a few people who are still rock headed about it and ended up dead."

His smile slowly faded as he looked at me in the eyes deeply.

"Just like your friend."

My eyes went wide the moment he said that.

The scene from the public execution comes into mind as I slowly feel more regret and guilty.

". . . I should have stopped the public execution."

I put my attention to the ground as I looked like I found the floor more interesting than meeting his eyes.

'If I knew about Chester sooner, I might have saved him from death by burning.'

I was still silent until he interrupted.

"That would be foolish."

My eyes widened as I raised my head to look at him.

"What can you do if it's already hopeless?"

He exclaimed without sugarcoating any of his words.

"Directive Order is an absolute order of this kingdom that even the royal family can not simply violate it. Even if you were able to stop the execution, such behavior like that will be considered a violation of the Directive Order."

My eyes grew wider as I almost stood up from my seat.

"What kind of rules are that . . . ? That's unreasonable and unfair. We should have-"

"Order #12 of Directive Order, Thou shall not interfere with the execution that is being held. In short, Your Highness will be considered a sinner as well if you have done such an unforgivable act to the order."

He explained with a stern look but that soon vanished into a playful smile.

He looked at me cheerfully while clapping his hand together.

"Well, you did great back then for not interfering with anything! Great job, Your Highness."

". . . What's with that?"

Even though staying calm is the best, I looked at him with an enraged expression and was not in the slightest pleased with how the orders control both citizens and nobles.

"No matter how I view it, Directive Order is unreasonable."

I muttered out those words from my mind.

He just sat there before he lightly smiled.

"Your Highness, if you look at another point of view, it's not actually that bad. Because of the orders, no one will try to kill each other, no thieves, no liars, the aristocrats would not dare to corrupt and forever live in peace. All who lived in this kingdom could lead a peaceful life until their final breath."

I looked at him in disbelief as my eyes squinted at how he undoubtedly exclaimed those words without considering other aspects.

". . . Even if we live peacefully, Your Grace, there is still no freedom in this Kingdom."

After I muttered those words, he just looked at me confusedly before returning his playful smile.

"I have to admit, that's true. But that is what makes this Kingdom able to live peacefully. No one is poor and is in distress. If you think about it more, this Kingdom is a real dream come true paradise. This isn't too bad, right?"

I clenched my fist firmly while looking at him without a single smile plastered on my face.

'It's indeed peaceful, but it's not a sense of true peace.'

I opened my mouth to speak again as I still disagree with his thoughts.

"The problem is within our freedom and human rights. I want to free this Kingdom from Directive Order. From your explanation, these aren't ordinary rules. Pardon me for asking once more, what is the Directive Order? How can everyone not disobey those rules?"

He sighed deeply at my interrogation.n before explaining them.

". . . Directive Order is a rule bound by absolute magic. It is not in the form of a book or a list that can be easily rewritten."

My eyes widened in surprise by the familiar word.

"M-magic. . . ? Something like that exists in this world?"

I asked surprisingly as I was curious about the answer.

Considering I was reincarnated here, magic is not impossible.

"I don't how it started but I know when it started."

I gulped and started to take the conversation more seriously.

"Exactly 120 years ago, the Directive Order suddenly existed. A group of Directive Knights started to come out of nowhere with their overwhelming number, controlling the citizens around. That day, anyone who immediately disobeys them would get killed on the spot. It's the worst day of the Lucretia Kingdom because that incident took about 15,000 victims. They killed them just because of their unforgivable sins."

I was silent as I heard the story.

"Though, no one knows about this because all of them are stupid."

He continued, adding a few harsh words as I raised my eyebrow in confusion with a mix of shock and disbelief.

". . . Then, how did you know?"

"Just because."

He answered briefly and look at me with his black eyes.

But for a slight moment, I could see a reflection of red ruby eyes instead of black eyes.

It was confusing but fit him so well.

"How about magic? How could you know that?"

"Oh, that? I just know that humans used to have 'mana' before Directive Order appears."

My eyes widen when he mentioned the word 'mana' that confirms magic actually exists in this world.

'Directive Order really did took control of us.'

My eyes become determined as I look at him straight in the eyes.

". . . I heard enough. I want to change this messed-up Kingdom as the future Queen. Therefore, I ask you to be my ally."

He observes me once more and crossed his hands across his chest while letting out a heavy sigh.

"Quite a straightforward one, huh? You should've asked that from the start."

I was stunned by his willingness to join.


Before I could finish my lines, he beat me to it.

"I will help you. Besides, staying until I die inside this estate is boring."

"Why do you want to help me and immediately agreed?"

He sighs once again and scratches the back of his head.

"Geez, what's with you?"

"Please answer my question, Your Grace."

His lips curved into a sinister smile that actually sends a shiver down my spine considering he easily changed his mood as he looks at me with his dead black eyes.

"Just because."

It was always his answer.

That sinister smile turned into a playful one as he looks at me with a casual expression.

"If you ask me to form an alliance, I am already sure that Your Highness already has a plan in mind."

I looked at him for a moment before deciding what will we do next as a part of my plan.

"I want to find the one that created the Directive Order."

"Well, that's not impossible but it's also going to be a complicated plan. Who knows, the creator might be dead by now-"

"I don't care if the creator is alive or dead. If we know who is the creator of Directive Order, we might find something that can erase the existence of Directive Order thus, free everyone from this Kingdom."

He was silent before looking at me amusingly.

". . . Well, if you want to find out who is the creator, it's not going to be easy~"

"Who said it's going to be easy? I am aware of the fact that the creator might be a person that exists outside this Kingdom and that is the worst possibility that I want to ignore. But if we could know who is the creator, everything can change."

". . . You're so stubborn,"

The Archduke exclaimed as my eyes went wide.

"But very reasonable."

He added with a gentle smile.

"If we find the creator, we might discover something about this Kingdom."

He exclaimed as he stood up from his seat and look at me in the eye.

"I will ask someone to help us."


My eyes went wide.


"An acquaintance."

I just merely nod.

"Quick question. If you erase Directive Order, crushing this imaginary real paradise and peace without sinners, soon creating corruptors, liars, thieves, and gamblers, what will you do when that time comes?"

I was flustered by his question.


"You're the one who realizes this and so am I. But the citizens and its people don't, as they live their lives every day with happiness all over them. What would you do about that, Your Highness?"

'Is he. . . testing me?'


