First Underling (3)


I stayed silent as I was trying to think as hard as I could to get through this situation.

My palms started to sweat as my eyes showed concern about the outcome.

I gazed downwards to the floor, then turned my head as my gaze landed on Cristo.

He looks back at me with his expressionless face as he keeps himself quiet.

I slightly gulp as I process my head to think of a solution for this.

'... Wait, Azrael--'

My eyes widen in realization as I remember my last conversation with him.

There were a few sentences from Azrael that I forgot, suddenly struck right through my mind.

"Dorothy, remember this. If you find yourself in an unavoidable situation, use your head to think that through and make any possible excuse. When that time comes, you'll be safe. Whatever your excuse or reasons, be confident. I will know what you are doing."

I looked at him confusedly as I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?"

When I asked that, he only smiled and said to think about it myself.

And the unavoidable situation he mentioned has finally come right through me.

'... I hope what you've planned works, Azrael.'

I thought as I had already come up with a rather illogic excuse.

With the excuse I have, I turned my head towards the Directive Special Knight and looked at him as I was expressing a reasonable manner.

I opened my mouth as I followed the confidently yet hesitant plan.

"Sir, I do believe that I am not violating the Directive Order. As for the boy beside me, I want to clarify that he is the son of Gray Oswald, Cristo Oswald."

I exclaimed without delay as I pointed my finger to Cristo.

Cristo looked at me with an unbothered expression as he still looked at me with an expressionless face.

However, I could feel that inside, Cristo is shocked with a mix of disappointment and confusion by my excuse.

It was an expected reaction as it does sounds lame and has too many holes considering Gray never got married and Cristo's existence as Gray's son could be easily found false any time sooner.

'But... It's not the case if it is him.'

In this kind of situation, I will believe in Azrael.

Even if that was the only reason, I am still ready to bet on anything including my life.

I continued to look at the Special Directive Knights as I continue explaining my reasons,

"The reason why the citizen did not recognize his appearance and role in this capital city was that he never even once leave the household due to his weak state of the body."

The knight fell silent, looking at any lies or holes behind my explanation as he looked at me suspiciously in a few seconds then decided to speak.

"... Then, Your Highness wouldn't mind if I checked every citizen's information about this Capital City of Lucretia, right? Well, either way, Your Highness will also be staying here until everything that was spoken is confirmed."

"Yes, of course."

I smiled confidently while looking at him.

He immediately retreats to read the documents of the citizens that were in the hands of one of the Directive Knights that is standing behind him.

'... They sure prepared everything.'

However, I gulped nervously, hoping for a miracle.

'What could Azrael do to prevent this? He--'

My eyes went wide the moment I realized something possible.

'... Don't tell me he also has mana? If he has a magic specialty that is useful for manipulating files of the citizens, then that would definitely be a big help for us.'

"... Do you have a plan?"

I shook my thoughts with a sudden whisper as I turned around to face Cristo.

He looked at me as he was expecting an answer to the question.

I stared at him before whispering back at him.

".. Not me, but someone I know has."

After hearing those words, he only looked at me with a confused expression.

I smiled nervously as Cristo turned himself to look at the window, perhaps trusting my words.

'This plan has so many holes in it. Not to mention I lied to a Directive Special Knight and Cristo's existence hasn't yet been confirmed.'

With that kind of thought, I trembled down, showered myself with my own fear.

I lift both of my hands as they cover my mouth with a slightly quiet yelp.

I couldn't help but imagine the worse outcome if the plan had failed.

'.. Why am I afraid to die? Is it because I didn't do anything and they will kill me just like the rest of the citizens who violated the Directive Order?'

My heart was beating too fast that I thought it would burst.

I was panicking. My state was different compared to Cristo, who was enjoying the view of the sky through the carriage window.

'.. Azrael... I believe in you.'

After the long wait, the Special Knight walked back to us as he blocks the light that is coming out of the window, shadowing over my figure.

Knowing his presence, I opened the carriage door and forced myself to step outside to hear the results.

'.. I believe in you, Azrael.'

I kept chanting that as my own lucky charm and invocation, believing that he will, somehow, anyhow, prevent this matter.

'Please... let this work.'

I dare myself to hold my head high while looking at the Directive Special Knight.

"... How is the inspection?"

I finally croaked out the words I wanted to say as I was intimidated by standing in front of him.

".. It seems that I really misunderstood Your Highness. Pardon for my rudeness."

He exclaimed with his stoic voice that sounds a bit different from the Directive Knights.

He pledged his hand towards his chest as he slightly bowed down.

After hearing his statement, I sigh with relief as the stress that filled me is slowly vanishing.

"He is truly Cristo Oswald."

'I was right. Azrael must've done something bigger than I imagined.'

After some thought, I looked at the Special Directive Knight and decided to find more information about the Special Directive Knight system.

I know that I don't want to spend my time here even further, but I'd like to ask him a few questions.

"It's absolutely alright, Sir. Mistakes happened many times across our life. But... Pardon for my rudeness, but may I ask you a few questions before you continue your duty?"

"You may, Your Highness."

It was good that he immediately allowed me to asked questions.

"Are you one of the Five Directive Special Knights?"

"Yes. I am Dean Silver Fourth Order."

I narrowed my eyes as he introduced himself.

'Althea Genetta Third Order and Dean Silver Fourth Order. I already met the two of them. But that doesn't mean that I want to meet the other three either.'

My lips curved into a smile as I look at Dean Silver Fourth Order.

"Thank you for introducing yourself to me, Sir Silver. Now that I don't have anything to do here, can I continue my journey to my castle?"

"Yes of course, Your Highness."

"Thank you."

With that, I retreat myself and walked back to my carriage to be greeted by Cristo who is still gazing at the sky.

"It's all good."

I exclaimed and sit in front of him.

Although I didn't hear any answers from him, I just sighed and truly grateful for Azrael's plan even though I don't know the details of it.

'I really have to ask Azrael about this. I'm still confused because the plan has too many holes. I don't understand a thing about it.'

I sighed before gazing myself at Cristo once again.

But considering that I already have Cristo on my side who have mana, I sighed with relief and satisfaction with my work.

'Well, it would be easier if the Directive Special Knight didn't happen to be here.'

Thinking all of the plans and crazy stuff makes me a headache.

But I suddenly remember something that bothers me more than thinking about this plan with too many holes and the Directive Special Knight that has coincidentally pass by.

"Hey, Cristo,"

I called him.


He answered me but didn't bother to look at me as he keeps looking at the window to gaze at the bright blue sky.

"I'm not trying to be rude but are you really 50 years old of age?"

I asked curiously as I look at him. He nodded at my question as he continued to gaze at the sky.

I put my hand closer to my chin as I close my eyes to focus. Because of that fact, I began to make assumptions.

"Does that mean that mana can make people live longer than it should be?"

I stare at him, waiting for an answer. After a few seconds, he finally spoke.

".. It can."

My eyes went wide by his shocking statement as I had found another discovery about mana.

"Really? It can?"

"It can't."

My excitement drops drastically as I heard another different statement from him.

"... What do you mean? Can mana make you live longer or not?"

".. Both."


