Forest Dreams (1)

[24 February 774/Present Day]

The day after that is refreshing as always but I think I need more break.

However, the feeling from the Central Directive hasn't vanished.

Relief was my first emotion when I stepped outside that building, but it was soon blinded by a twisted feeling that something was wrong inside it.

'.. I guess I'm just overthinking things.'

The maids helped me to get ready to go with Azrael along with Cristo, who was probably getting ready as well.

"Your Highness, how about this?"

One of the maids asked as she showed me a bright tiara with a ruby in the middle of it.

".. I don't want to wear anything. Just a simple necklace and earrings. I also want something dark."

I exclaimed as they looked at me with wide eyes as if I'm unbelievable.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Is there something wrong?"

I asked, completely clueless about their taste of fashion.

".. Pardon for my rudeness Your Highness, but, you always wear dark-colored dresses these days."

One of them bravely exclaimed as I remembered the dresses I wore days back and she's quite right.

Dark blue, dark green, black, grey, and everything that is clearly not bright.

'Well... I don't really like brighter colors.'

I thought for a moment.

".. It's alright. Dark suits me better."

I smiled at them as they were disappointed for a moment there, visible in their expression.

".. If Your Highness said so."

With that, they leave my hair as it is without any accessories as they only give me a low ponytail and a small hat along with black gloves.

After I exit my room and headed downstairs, I was greeted by Cristo, who is also perfectly dressed in his brown and white suit.

"Cristo, you look handsome."

I casually complimented him with a reassuring smile as he turned his head to the side to avert his gaze, but then I caught the sudden rosiness of his cheeks and chuckled.

He shows a kind of blushing that shows the delicate sweetness within him.

'... What an adoring sight.'

I thought as I smiled merrily.

For a moment there, this is just like a family meeting where we go outside, meeting another member at a restaurant, and talking with each other.

I was thrilled and happy.

However, I shouldn't speak too soon.


The capital city is full of Directive Knights as always, but many people live their peaceful life happily.

Azrael chose a really famous restaurant in the capital and I think I might know the reason.

Because he doesn't want anyone to get suspicious, that's why he chose a crowded place.

'... I could imagine many high-class people there.'

While thinking about that, I noticed Cristo's gaze that kept following the situation outside.

Maybe it's because he's excited about eating outside.

When the carriage came to a stop, I peek through the window to be greeted by an average, luxurious building that is clearly wonderful.

'It's quite nice.'

When I exit the carriage along Cristo, many greeted us because of my status.

However, unlike what I imagined, they were very polite and kind.

'... This society is really dream-like.'

The sky was so clear, bright, and blue that I could gaze into its depths forever.

I strongly believe Cristo felt the same thing.

We entered the restaurant and noticed the seat Azrael reserved with him was sitting on the spot, looking graceful and handsome as I expected.

He noticed my presence as his lips curved into a smile while Cristo and I made our way towards him and took a seat.

"How are you, Azrael?"

"I'm perfectly healthy thanks to you being sick at the same time that day."

I raised my brow at his sudden statement, confused as he burst into a peal of light laughter.

"I deeply apologize. I'm saying that maybe it's because you took away my sickness for me."

He jokingly explained as I giggled and formed a smile.

'Geez, but I still recover faster than you though.'

A waiter that was dressed like a maid came to our table as she put her right hand on the center of her chest and bend her back as she briefly bows her head, then stands back up.

"Good morning, Your Highness, Your Grace, and Young Master Oswald. Welcome to Sucrée."

She politely greeted us and handed us three menus, one for each.

I took the menu and opened it.

'.. It only has a page, but there's a lot to order.'

I decided to order just some food, a normal Earl Grey tea and that's that.

After we ordered the food and drinks, we talked while waiting for the food to be served.

"Also, Dorothy, I found someone interesting."

I raised my eyebrow with his information.

He looked a bit satisfied as I became more and more curious about the person he just mentioned.


I asked as he looked at me then, his black eyes drilling into my aquamarine ones.

'... Azrael's eyes were so dark. I felt like I was looking into an endless midnight sky.'

"Selene Cairo."

He answered as I merely nodded because I didn't have a clue who he was talking about-- but Cristo's eyes went wide as I turned my head towards him.

"Cristo, do you know her?"

".. Well... I don't know her... I am familiar with the clan.."

He slowly said while looking straight at me.

I turned my head back towards Azrael as I opened my mouth and spoke,

"So, what about her?"

"... I'm confident that she has a connection in witchcraft."

My lips parted.

I was astonished as I couldn't will my lips to move because excitement runs through my stomach.

'... I was expecting a witch because it might be helpful for supernatural things or mythical that somehow can help us find answers.'

"That's good news, Azrael! Do you know where she live now?!"

I asked, slightly excited than ever when Azrael and Cristo's eyes slightly widened because of my behavior.

I realized my sudden outburst as I cough to show that I'm actually a dignified royalty.

'.. I'm actually a Princess in this life. But my bizarre behavior still came on quite sudden out of my consciousness. I almost forgot I actually have dignity here.'

Azrael chuckled slightly and Cristo just turned his head to another side, probably laughing silently at my behavior.

"... A bit far from the capital-- In a small town."

Azrael replied casually and narrowed his black eyes as his lips formed an amused smile.

'Well... it's not the first time that I acted like this in front of Azrael. But Cristo is actually my underling--'

Pushing that thought aside, I immediately change the atmosphere again with the original topic while we're at it.

"... Back to the topic, we're going to that town."

Azrael slightly widens his eyes because of my sudden statement.

"What? You're planning on going that fast?"

"Well, yes."

"Master, we don't have any reason to go there if we were to inform the Directive Knights."

Cristo explained thoroughly and reasonably as I sighed deeply.

"I am aware of that. That's why hear me out. I'm sure every town have their own commemoration, celebration, or festivals."

"Oh, are you planning to go on the special day of that town?"

He asked as he realizes what I meant.

I nodded as an answer.

"It could be our reason-- to celebrate whatever event in that little town to inform the Directive Knights."

Azrael's gaze met mine as if telling me that I did well by thinking through the plan and he's proud of it.

'... Thanks, I guess?'

I just smiled in return.

'... Since when we can talk telepathically?'

The food came in later and we have our lunch together in that restaurant.

The rest of the conversation is that we just talked about our lives and our daily routine.

Sometimes we also talked about the income of the castle or something that is connected to the citizens' management.

However, after taking another bite to fill my stomach more, my stomach was feeling a bit weird.

'... Oh my God-- did I ate too much?'

I stood up from my seat as that caught Cristo and Azrael's attention.

"Where are you going?"

Azrael asked with a raised eyebrow as he looks at me, confused.

Cristo also gave me the same look as I smiled sheepishly.

"To the restroom."

I excused myself and left the table.


--After Dorothy left, Azrael stared into Cristo's eyes for the first time in a while.

Cristo also met his gaze as they stared into each other.

"... How's living in the castle?"

Azrael asked while sipping his coffee calmly.

"... It's not bad."

Cristo answered as he averts his gaze from Azrael to somewhere else.

Azrael just nodded as he placed the cup back on the table.

"Hey, Cristo,"

The sound of Azrael's voice is different, it's more demanding and ruthless.

Cristo notices Azrael's change of tone as he turned his head and bravely met Azrael's gaze.

There was a seriousness about Azrael that unnerved Cristo.  

".. If you-- by any chance, try to betray Dorothy or defy her..."

The tension between them rises as if they are bound to be enemies.

Azrael's gaze sharpened as if his eyes matched the way he felt. 

His tone sounds more and more threatening.

"--I won't hesitate to kill you."


